2018-07-10 Meeting notes
7am PST / 4pm CET
Meeting Link
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- Josh Zamor
- Sam Im (Deactivated)
- Brandon Bowersox-Johnson
- Łukasz Lewczyński (Deactivated)
- Craig Appl (Unlicensed)
- Elias Muluneh
- Mateusz Kwiatkowski
- Sebastian Brudziński
- Wesley Brown
- See discussion items
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
10m | Agenda and action item review | ||
3.4 Release Candidate testing scheduled for end of July (sprint 104)
| Sam | What level of detail needs to be presented for the 3.4 release in this meeting? Sebastian Brudziński Josh Zamor Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) any ideas or questions that I can prepare for this meeting? | |
- OLMIS-4408Getting issue details... STATUS | Sam/Sebastian | Sebastian Brudziński are you ready to discuss possible solutions for this bug? | |
15m (last) | Review of Nifi Registry | Craig | |
10m | Proposed workflow/idea to move Tech debt backlog review to Slack completely (very low priority) | Sebastian Brudziński | Let's only get to this if there's absolutely nothing else to talk about. |
RC testing
Start in sprint 104 - https://openlmis.atlassian.net/wiki/x/xQDkFw
Would need to setup perftest for manual performance testing for RC process: - OLMIS-5060Getting issue details... STATUS
Tech Debt
- Use slack to bring up calls
- Can use emoji's to vote and give story points
- Threads to ask questions, etc
Nifi registry
- Need to version our Nifi flows
- A template is a template of a flow
- Nifi registry runs in cloud - can use it a bit like github
- Devs can download latest templates, and check changes back in
- New Nifi registry thing can have a webhook put the template back into github
- Bash script connects to registry, downloads the template(s), template is responsible for connecting kafka et al
- Auto-provisioning of Nifi processors from a template
- Nifi registry is available in a docker container
- Ask is that OpenLMIS runs a public Nifi registry (would need to provision a server)
Action items
- Sebastian Brudziński summarize tech debt to dev group
- Josh Zamor and Craig Appl (Unlicensed) to followup on Nifi registry
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