2018-12-21 Team Lead Meeting Notes


Discussion Points

  • Showcase - Think about concrete plans going forward

Mind the Gap (Sam):

Parrot (Sebastian):

  • Scheduled a little work for sprint 115
    • Started on some performance work
    • Continuing to work on functional tests

Ona (Craig/Clay):

  • Ona team is off until Jan 7 so no work will be done until then
  • Sprint 115 may not have any tickets but will add work for sprint 116 in early Jan

JSI (Ashraf):

  • Started sprint 115 and added known tickets
    • This sprint will be light
    • Will set up meeting with Josh regarding Kits

Action Items

  • Wesley Brown to gather feedback from teams (start with Craig?) regarding working with API and services
  • Ashraf will follow-up with Wesley Brown on the identified risks and mitigation strategies
  • Wesley Brown to review current dev process documentation and update according to current expectations/process
  • Wesley Brown to push discussion about velocity and dev process to later team lead meeting
    • Wesley Brown should we have team discussions about velocity?
  • Sam Im (Deactivated) after the release is done, then Sam will send out a release retrospective survey

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