2018-09-07 Team Lead Meeting notes
Discussion Points
- 3.5 Release for the Reporting stack
- OLMIS-5350 should be complete for showcase
- OLMIS-5323 HAPI FHIR spike - not started
- OLMIS-5329 Moved to next sprint
- Currently scoping epic OLMIS-5248
- Out next two weeks (travel to Tanzania, Kenya)
- Clay doing prep work for 108
- Will create tickets next week
- Epics with sizes all defined
- Current sprint tickets should be good, with the exception of tickets assigned to Craig due to travel
- Travelling, bad internet
- Update via email:
- Muhammad is working on his 3 tickets and seems to be on track to finish by Tuesday
Muhammad's ticket for setting up a Superset environment may not get completed by Tuesday. He will be in touch with Criag/Clay for this ticket on Monday to seek some assistance.
Muhammad is also working on Clay's request for clarification on RnR status to be considered by reports such as Order fulfillment, Summary status etc. Muhammad create a ticket for this and added Clay as a watcher and he hope to document his findings through this ticket and at the same time answer Clay's questions
Adugna is working on his tickets. He was working on these tickets as of this morning as well. He said that he is on track.
Elias is working with MTG team for the mCSD spike that we had seen yesterday. He already gave his status update and ETA to Sam
Action items
- Wesley Brown Get firm date for 3.5 release, which sprint will be the last before the release
- The release will be at the end of Sprint 111
- Wesley Brown Confirm private access to the Malawi dataset
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