2018-09-28 Team Lead Meeting Notes
2018-09-28 Team Lead Meeting Notes
- Wesley Brown
- Ashraf
- Sam Im (Deactivated)
- Clay Crosby (Unlicensed)
- Craig Appl (Unlicensed)
- Sebastian Brudziński
Discussion Points
- None
Mind the Gap (Sam):
- Out Oct 5th-9th
- Planning on Wed for sprint 109
- Hoping to finish mCSD use-case #2
- Start design for multiple suppliers
- Patch release testing (around 15 test cases)
- Hoping to release 3.4.1 before Oct 5th
- Demo data for sprint 110
Parrot (Sebastian):
- Release faster with more confidence Epic
- Reviewing feedback from Josh (forum)
- Will start with Requisitions following same process as CCE
- Will be creating a number of follow up tickets
- Reviewing migration tests
- Migration failed but was not caught by current tests
- Test improvements to catch that type of issue in the future
- Integration test spike for migration tests
- May write a proof of concept based on findings
- Working on another functional test for requisitions
- Claudia out until end of next week
- Updated jasper reports to use defined settings
- Requisition performance tests moved to next sprint
Ona (Craig/Clay):
- Superset Improvements
- Brought in member from Data team to help with dashboard (Samson)
- Schedule meetings as "cluster" of reports are completed
- Ona CEO (Matt) will review first (nice!)
- Reviews may not take place until sprint 110
- Research into importing data for superset dashboards
- Automatic migration
- SSO (Antonate)
- Focusing on login for imbedded IFRAMEs
JSI (Ashraf):
- Started with Shipment file processing
- UI may not be able to be included in 3.5 release (and may not be needed)
- Thinking of starting with a reference file and get feedback from there
- More details will be discussed during the grooming call later today
- Reference data upload
- Facility file ← Resource map
- Researching using Nifi for this task
- Will coordinate with Clay
Action items
- Clay Crosby (Unlicensed) To create wiki page regarding Requisition API/Atomfeed discussion with Josh
- Clay Crosby (Unlicensed) and Ashraf to meet soon to go over reporting questions
- Clay Crosby (Unlicensed) to ensure that Nikodem is scheduled to help with team Ona this sprint
- Ashraf to discuss JSI using Nifi for parts of the Reference Data Upload process
- Wesley Brown to discuss quickwins with Adugna
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