2019-02-01 Team Lead Meeting Notes
2019-02-01 Team Lead Meeting Notes
Josh Zamor, Wesley Brown, Clay Crosby (Unlicensed), Sam Im (Deactivated), Sebastian Brudziński
Discussion Points
- Sebastian Brudziński Update on requisition performance test question
- Reviewed the job and found out that there was a problem with Jenkins not creating the work space properly.
- A ticket was created and the tests are executed properly again
- Mid-Release Update
- End of this sprint will mark the mid-way point of the release, should we have the focus of the showcase be on where we're at
- Tuesday Update
- Is this helpful?
- Generally yes, we should just identify what's blocking, if we are on target and any topics we should discuss on Friday.
- If blocked at anytime on any day, please notify Wes as soon as possible.
- Showcase - Keep the 15 minute limit?
- This is working and we would like to keep it
- Sebastian: Making sure that each team showcases enough (ie, around 15 minutes) rather than just limited to less than 15
OLMIS-5449Getting issue details...
- How should we prioritize this in sense of urgency?
- Let's just make sure to fit it into the next release. There isn't a high priority to be done soon.
- Wesley Brown Taking off the week after I return to Kenya (Feb 11-15)
- Will still be checking email and may be available for the showcase on Feb 13
- Clay Crosby (Unlicensed) will be in Kabul Feb 11-22 and not available for calls
- Craig will identify a schedule and cover
- Josh Zamor Any progress on the kitting design with Elias?
- Need to talk with Elias and Ashraf next week
- Reminders:
Mind the Gap (Sam):
- Continuing notification design, multiple supplier work
- Will be creating a work plan for notifications once the design is complete
- Concerned about the schedule given the 4 sprints left
- The Mind the Gap team, Josh and Wes will be involved in these discussions
Parrot (Sebastian):
- Working on functional tests for SBR and calculations and validations in the requisition workflow
- Working on perf tasks related to retrieval of products
- Seems to be dependent on the number of products or type... researching
- Fixing bug related to supply lines
- Also working on two bugs and tech debt ticket
Ona (Clay/Craig):
- SRS is complete for DHIS2
- Researching FHIR Measure and Measure Report to identify compatibility. Craig will need to write a scoping document that matches the Superset indicators against measure and measure reports. Craig will reach out to Carl and Brinn with the spec for verification of mapping approach.
- The team will start getting data from the reporting stack into the FHIR server this sprint.
- Will be adding more tickets to the sprint
- Looking into getting another resource to help with the Superset CSS work
- Requests for Help:
- Scoping Rights and Roles for access to the FHIR server
- Scoping the Facade API
- Working on these items in the OpenLMIS micro services
JSI (Ashraf):
- (On Leave Today)
- Started Sprint 118, 6 tickets, 2 related to kitting
- Request for discussion with Nikodem about UI for kitting
- Behind on kitting. They will put in more effort to ramp up after receiving diagram from Josh.
- Able to touch base with the Resource Map team to get access and will continue working on that
- Request for discussion with Sebastian regarding reference data upload
Action Items
- Wesley Brown to ask teams to review open tickets at the end of sprint
- Craig Appl (Unlicensed) Please add a description to sprint 118
- Craig Appl (Unlicensed) will email to schedule a time for scoping rights, roles and access
- Josh Zamor, Wesley Brown and Ashraf need to discuss the current status of kitting and plan what will be done by 3.6
- Ashraf will schedule meetings with Nikodem and Sebastian on Monday as noted in the update.
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