2018-11-16 Team Lead Meeting Notes


Discussion Points

  • Assign team members for 3.5 release bug triage and as leads
  • Populate other tasks for teams: Tasks for code freeze
  • 3.5 feature tickets status: will be ready at the end of the sprint? Any concerns, blockers?

Mind the Gap (Sam):

  • Assign team members for 3.5 release bug triage and as leads
    • Sam will be the lead
  • OLMIS-5501 - Getting issue details... STATUS  is blocked by  OLMIS-5499 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Clay Crosby (Unlicensed): we are working on this just now. We will give the team a list of links to paste in and that should unblock it.
  • Nikodem may be blocked on  OLMIS-5668 - Getting issue details... STATUS  he is discussing this with Josh. Sam Im (Deactivated) will follow-up with Nikodem and Josh today.
  • The other tickets in the ToDo are behind schedule just now. Chongsun is back from holiday, so we hope that will help us get there.


  • Assign team members for 3.5 release bug triage and as leads
    • Joanna Lead
    • Mateusz will lead performance testing
  • On Target for the sprint Goal
  • We may not get to the tech debt item  OLMIS-4291 - Getting issue details... STATUS  Sebastian Brudziński will remove that from the sprint if they can't get to it.

Ona (Craig/Clay): 

  • Assign team members for 3.5 release bug triage and as leads
    • Craig Lead
    • Faith primary tester
    • Antonate and Janette engineer
  • We are on target to get all but  OLMIS-5504 - Getting issue details... STATUS delivered on time.

JSI (Ashraf):

  • Assign team members for 3.5 release bug triage and as leads
    • Muhammad Lead
  • There's a risk that we won't get through the current sprint
    • There was unexpected sick leave on the team. Ashraf is working to identify if another team member is able to take this on before the end of the sprint. There are 3 tickets involved.

Action Items

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