2018-12-11 TC Meeting notes

2018-12-11 TC Meeting notes


7am PST / 4pm CET



Discussion items

5mAgenda and action item reviewJosh

Discourse checkupWesley Brown
  • Checkin on if there's questions on use?
  • Quick demo
?Follow up on developer experienceJosh Zamor
Did this, any questions?DHIS2 followup on how (keeping this on the agenda to discuss the plan prior to implementation, however implementation isn't pressing on this just yet)

Josh Zamor

(next time)Database timestamp migration / testingSebastian Brudziński

We'll go over problem statement and some solutions as well (we ran into this before so we'll summarize those notes)

Timestamp in Requisition service on database migration

  • Was discovered on perftest
  • Migration testing
  • If migration is added with timestamp < other existing migration, than migration added will be ignored.
(next time)Profiling
  • Focus on backend
  • Bring up frontend if possible


Discourse Checkup

  • On forum.openlmis.org
  • Transitioned away from Google Groups, if you post there, it won't be followed.
  • If you're not getting emails:
    • Check your Profile (Click on Your image / avatar on forum.openlmis.org, and then the small gear icon)
      • It defaults to not sending you an email if you have it open in the background.  Change this at Emails → "Send me emails even when I'm active on the site".
      • Get emails for everything by activating Mailing List Mode.  Emails → Enable Mailing List Mode
    • Follow categories (e.g. Technical Committee), by going to the home screen, then the category, clicking on the "circle" icon in the upper right and selecting a different mode.  Default is Normal which only notifies you if you're mentioned.

Developer Experience

Action Items


OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software