June 21, 2016

June 21, 2016

7AM PST - Seattle

10AM EST - New York, DC

5PM CEST - CEST, Geneva, Copenhagen

6PM EAT - Dar

Monthly OpenLMIS Governance Committee Call. This meeting includes members of the governance committee, as well as anyone else interested in participating. 

Call Details:
Meeting Number: 191 186 622
US Audio: WebEx Online or +1-415-655-0001
International Audio: WebEx Online

Attendees (8) 
Ashraf Islam - JSI 
Mattias Wiklund - JSI
Tenly Snow - VillageReach
Jake Watson - VillageReach
Brian Taliesin - PATH
Chris Opit - JSI Zambia
Geoffrey Weber - CHAI
Karl Brown - ThoughtWorks 

Meeting Recording


Dev progress on 3.05

Sprints are ongoing, can follow on JIRA or Confluence (Project Management)

SolDevelo team is spun up to two teams focusing on architectural refinement. Current focus is on product master and products. We are providing GS1 support in the model and also trying to follow the logical model shared by USAID (Logical Reference Model & GSDN GS1)

Wiki pages are being updated regularly 

Nepal SOW10

Nepal SOW shared with private consultant Stew Stremel, who is working on behalf of USAID to explore LMIS options for Nepal. He contacted the OpenLMIS core team to request a meeting and demo. Having met, he then requested a SOW and general budget (+/- 100%) for an OpenLMIS pilot in 11 facilities, 50 users, 10 tracer products.


The vedic calendar is a bit challenging. ThoughtWorks is doing some work in Nepal with Possible Health (http://possiblehealth.org/) – Run a couple of district hospitals
Had some interesting conversations when we were there internally with the team about how OpenLMIS could fit in.

Calendar – Custom schedules? Sufficient? Will be explored during requirements gathering.

We gave Stew the timeline for 3.0. Doesn’t sound like they’re anywhere close to considering a national rollout, would just be a pilot, so likely not on 2.0. Some dependence on mobile app. If it had to be done soon, would look at 2.0 and bring in a mobile app from Mozambique?

Very challenging to work in – the culture and leakage is astounding. Different cultural practice, patronage system.

Project in Nepal for JSI ended a couple years ago. Provided some assistance via TO4. Not much information beyond that.

USAID BAA Proposal20

USAID is looking to harness funds for coverage and to protect their investments that they’ve made in TZ and Zambia. Wants the community to perform a gap analysis between the feature set in the JSI eLMIS code branch versus the 3.x roadmap that was recently reviewed and approved (portions) by Gates.
What was not in scope? Get a sense for what it would take for migrations of each branch to 3.0? Wanted it done by June 22.

JSI, PATH, VR met to come up with an approach – would need a bit of discovery and requirements to develop features missing, timelines, onto 3.0 branch. We sent that back last Friday. Complicating factor: It’s unclear who would be leading the BAA. Digital health and operability BAA has not yet been awarded. Raises concerns because funds under that are expiring at the end of June.

Seems to reflect our earlier conversations. Lindabeth on behalf of USAID is looking for the most efficient way to cover that gap for a sustained OpenLMIS codebase. It is a moving target, however, in what is in OpenLMIS and what Gates is funding. There's some level of investment that was secured, wants to make sure that money is used properly.

We felt that this was a fair bit of work – we proposed the gap analysis, collaborative requirements process, update of global CRDM document, development of the business case, and cost/benefit analysis. To recap: Gap analysis, update to CRDM, business case/statement of work

Timeline didn’t have specific dates on it – may be some upcoming dates that could provide more synergies. Instead of only visiting each country, hold a regional workshop and get key stakeholders from various MOHs to revisit the CRDM. Still need to be some field visits. Priorities?

OpenLMIS Collateral & Branding5


Recent collateral and communication work

  • Comparison collateral between Dimagi's CommCare Supply, DHIS2, and OpenLMIS, produced with leftover funding allocated to VillageReach by the UN Commission on Lifesaving Commodities. Should be done by August 1.
  • OpenLMIS.org website refresh. Ongoing project using OpenLMIS collateral funds to refresh the website and add additional content, pull together documentation resources from various repositories, create guidance documents for those interested in implementing or funding OpenLMIS

Branding considerations

Have had some issues recently around OpenLMIS branding. Understandable that local implementations will likely take a local name (ie. eLMIS, SIIL, SELV, SIIGL), but need to keep in mind that the product is OpenLMIS, and should continue to hold that name in some form of outward-facing branding. Partners should also be acknowledged during presentations or conferences.

Suggestion to make OpenLMIS branding a permanent part of the 3.0 UI. Karl suggested that, somewhere in the UI, the product says: "Powered by OpenLMIS.”


This has been added to a branch – but should be part of higher 3.0 roadmap.

Loosen up the license in 3.0 and move away from AGPL


OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software