Implementers - December 3 2019

Implementers - December 3 2019

Call Information

  • 00:00 PDT - Seattle
  • 03:00 EDT - New York, DC
  • 10:00 CAT - Zambia/Malawi (UTC+2)
  • 11:00 EAT - Tanzania/Kenya (UTC+3)

Last Meeting NotesImplementers - November 5 2019



Lead (Time)

Notes and Updates

Software Development Update

RoadmapLiving Product Roadmap 

Current sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 138

Upcoming sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 139

Version 3.8: 

Team statshttps://openlmis.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12504


Version 3.8 Update

Looking for feedback from the community for prioritization of upcoming sprint. 

Slower progress on past few sprints to resolve a few issues (reported by Malawi and Angola) looking to make into 3.8, before end of year.

Improvement to configuration of new users 

Improvements to regression testing (see OpenLMIS Discourse forum) 

Global Product Committee Update

No meeting was held due to the in-person OpenLMIS meetings in South Africa.

Study ToursRebecca Alban (Unlicensed)

Study tours underway right now!

Will loop back with trip report and circle back to delegation from Cameroon, conversations to use OpenLMIS and remaining barriers. (CHAI is leading from Cameroon side.) 

OpenLMIS Sustainability MeetingsWesley Brown and other attendees (20 min)

In-Progress Wiki Page: Community Meeting 2019

Representatives from Resonance, BMGF, and USAID. 2.5 days on sustainability work, deeper discussion on prioritized option, great learning sessions from Angola and Malawi, and PCMT (product catalog management tool). Useful to see how the support process in-country works. 

Conversations around what is important to the community to maintain for OpenLMIS future (e.g., maintain open source and support for current implementations). See the picture of the four boards of notes. 

Feedback at meeting that option two (partnership to handover) was most viable. Although some concern regarding principles important to the community. Have time to figure this out and explore partnerships and mitigate concerns. Opportunity for other global goods to follow (and of interest to BMGF). 

Private option unlikely to pursue based on current conversations with donors and potential partners. Business model did not seem to be viable (and reduces risk of maintaining two products). Still questions of free vs. paid aspects. 

? Partnership of private company in conflict with "free" open source access and sustainability within country (as donors are moving away from supporting maintenance)? Example with recent move to v3. Need to provide long-term sustainability plan that does not just maintain, but improves the product. Is one of the main things discussed at the meeting and balancing costs. Need to prioritize countries as beneficiaries. 

? VillageReach provide ongoing support? Details of partnership still to be determined. 

? Private option seeing current implementing partners as competitors? So far see the current community as positive. 

? Data sharing agreements? Would need to be an MOU in place with the countries. One of the partners have experience with this. 

3.9 Feature Priorities

Wesley Brown (5 min)

Feature Backlog: Feature Backlog

Feedback from OpenLMIS Implementers Meetings:

  • Knowledge sharing around Stock Management feature
  • Future expansion of Stock Management
    • More interaction with other ERP/Warehouse systems
    • GS1 (+1, barcodes!)
  • Everyone wants better offline use (esp. In Stock Management)
  • Expansion to more mobile options is desired (esp. for distributions) 
    • This could involve SIGLUS or OpenSRP (+1, MZ could benefit from this as well) 
    • Angola (through Dercio) expressed an interest in being able to utilize SIGLUS
  • OpenLMIS-OpenHIE integration
    • FHIR
  • Extend into patient-level tracking through OpenSRP or OpenMRS
  • Expand/enhance reports
    • UI Improvement
    • Stock Management Reports
    • Technical/Deployment Improvements
  • Configuration Improvements
    • Simply for quick-setup in certain verticals (+2, currently a painful process)
    • Add visualizations for WYSIWIG config and easier validation

Next PC meeting: Topic ideas??

Implementation/Partner Update, Feature Priorities

Demo of SIGLUS on 4-Feb

Additional Requests and Information:




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