Development Discussions


Klaudia Pałkowska (Deactivated)

Paulina Buzderewicz

Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed)

Łukasz Lewczyński (Deactivated)

Paweł Cieszko (Unlicensed)

Wesley Brown


Feature Flags

Enabling/Disabling features with flags rather than branching

Flags should be temporary


Easier to turn features on or off (compared to branching) - Can switched at runtime

Not clear how feature flags are supposed to be used

Good for spiking potential featuresNot removing feature flags once feature is completed
Might be helpful to manage larger features that could stall a releaseA lot of overhead to do this in multiple services
This could help us to be able to release more often and be able to create a release with just the feature that we want to push outCould also be an issue when working with multiple files, seems quite messy

Could lead to bad coding to make it easier to support more simple features flags (ie, moving logic that should be in multiple files into a single location where it doesn't belong)

Concerns about how easy it will be to remove the flags once finished

Solves a problem that we haven't experienced

Perhaps not helpful for small features

Could perhaps be more helpful if they were longer-lived?

Brainstorming More Frequent Releases


It doesn't seem like implementations are interested in more frequent releases, some are actually looking to upgrade less frequently.

General Agreement: More functional tests and more automation of the release process

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