Backlog Grooming Sprint 38
Backlog Grooming Sprint 38
Sprint Goal
Goal: Take 1 additional week to work on critical performance improvements.
Timeline: Publish a Release Candidate by end of day Tuesday 31 Oct 2017 1 Nov and begin a code freeze then, conduct full Regression Testing starting 2 Nov 2017, issue additional Release Candidates only if needed, and publish a final Release by end of Sprint 8 November 2017.
Critical Performance Improvements
- - OLMIS-3318Getting issue details... STATUS (#3) (Team Parrot continue, Nick will reach out to discuss)
- - OLMIS-3346Getting issue details... STATUS (#4) (Team ILL will take it on, document, and then share)
- - OLMIS-3182Getting issue details... STATUS (Team ILL - Nick)
- anything else?
Next Priorities (until 1 Nov 2017)
- Regression Tests will be executed on Monday (even though it's not the official Release Candidate; Sam Im (Deactivated) and Joanna Bebak (Deactivated) will determine who is needed to assist in regression testing).
- Rollover tickets (Team Parrot has 2 In Review and 1 In Progress; Team ILL has 2 In Review and 8 Total roll-overs)
- - OLMIS-3351Getting issue details... STATUS (#8) (Need to discuss at Sprint Q&A; Paweł Albecki (Deactivated) do you have a new proposed solution? We can discuss at Q&A)
- - OLMIS-3222Getting issue details... STATUS (Sam Im (Deactivated) will discuss and add details about a small fix and Zephyr edge case)
- - OLMIS-3254Getting issue details... STATUS (move to Team Parrot; see Review Comments for details about Automated Tests to add back; ask Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) if you have questions)
- Performance:
OLMIS-3320Getting issue details...
- Q: Do we want to add performance test for /forConvert endpoint?
- - OLMIS-3362Getting issue details... STATUS (#13) (Team ILL - Nick may have already fixed it; Sam Im (Deactivated) will add to regression to add a test case)
OLMIS-3320Getting issue details...
- Bugs:
- - OLMIS-3438Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-3396Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-3357Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-3394Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-3404Getting issue details... STATUS (Team Parrot - please propose a suggested error message, since we believe the user will need to delete their requisition and re-initiate later when configured correctly)
- Re-Authentication issue during Showcase 24 Oct 2017; it happened on the video screen-sharing during showcase, please see if that issue can be re-produced and if so file it as a bug with Steps to Reproduce (Team Parrot)
- Publish Release Candidate
- anything else?
During Release Process / Code Freeze (starting 1 Nov 2017 end-of-day)
During Code Freeze period, we will only allow commits that are for release-critical bug fixes, and we will reject/revert all other commits.
- Manual regression testing
- Work only on bugs identified as critical issues for release (approved by Team ILL triage team)
- Publish additional Release Candidates (RC2, RC3, etc only if needed)
- Commits to CHANGELOGs and Release Notes
- Commits that fix code formatting (whitespace, in-line documentation)
- Add and edit code in test/, integration-test/ and contract tests
- it is okay to add test coverage; but do not delete tests or change existing tests/contracts
Sonar: can we get all our quality gates to pass? This would be mostly changes in tests, not in the code itself.
- Videos and group conversations on topics such as DRY, automated testing, etc.
- Manual UI Performance testing (Team ILL)
- Write documentation
- NO:
Fix CCE bugs. (Since CCE is not part of 3.2.1 release is it okay to keep working on that component)
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