March 20, 2018

March 20, 2018

Monthly OpenLMIS Governance Committee Call. This meeting includes members of the governance committee, as well as anyone else interested in participating. 


7:00 - 8:00AM PST - Seattle

10AM to 11AM  EST - New York, DC

3:00PM CET - Geneva, Copenhagen

5:00PM EAT - Dar

Call Details

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/214188477

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16465588656,,214188477# or +14086380968,,214188477#

Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 214 188 477
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=wRxqI2_rSgQgMuyGfkJqWpM151Lwg6Bd

Action items for next call  

  • All: Provide feedback on draft Trust Partner and Apply documents
  • Tenly Snow (Deactivated) to follow up with representatives for Inquiries platform
  • Create a simple form for voting to approve the charter.  
  • Present an updated voting process on the next call 
  • Carl Leitner to reach out to Bahmni and OpenMRS communities for similar documentation on Trusted Partners
  • Schedule a debrief on Angola. Discussion around GS1 and presidential decree. Email Carl Leitner if you would like to participate. 

Action Items from February Governance meeting





Chat Captures

Introductions and call opening

Carl Leitner

Have received approval for the Tanzania data request but timing is very tight. May not use it for the Gavi meeting but could use it for a webinar. 

Satish Choudhury will now be representing CHAI on the OpenLMIS Governance Committee. 

Approval of Community Document & Processes

  • Voting process
    • Vote to finalize
  • Governance Charter
    • Vote to finalize
  • Inquiries 
    • Vote to adopt
    • Determine/elect org. representatives

Carl Leitner

Tenly Snow (Deactivated)

Jake Watson (Deactivated)

Matt Berg (Unlicensed)

Edward Wilson


May not be able to address relationship to Product and Technical committees until they have their own TORs/Charters to clarify their own processes. 

  • Still need to review voting in terms of USAID and BMGF as primary funders having veto ability, what is the balance? Chair gets a vote and donor role could dispute → need to think through ways to adjuticate.
  • Create a simple form for voting to approve the charter.  
  • Present an updated voting process on the next call 

Note ahead of time in agenda what needs to be voted on in the meeting. → Tenly has added to agenda 


Edward Wilson - JSI
Matt Berg - Ona 
Satish Choudhury - CHAI  
Mary Jo Kochendorfer - VillageReach

Tenly Snow 
Carl Leitner - optional 

  • Tenly to set up follow on group 

Review of Community Documents & Processes

Tenly Snow (Deactivated)

Open questions

  • Do organizations already participating in the Community and on Governance need to undergo any kind of review, or are they "grandfathered" in? 
  • Once approved, is an organization immediately considered a "Trusted Partner" or will it take an entire year for them to attain "trusted" status? 
  • Need to develop Principles for Deployment (guidance around trademarking, use of OpenLMIS name and logo 
  • Is a Trusted Partner synonymous with the Governance committee or is it separate? 
  • Similar role for USAID, Gates, Digital Square to be a Trusted Partner 
  • Carl to reach out to Bahmni and OpenMRS communities for similar documentation?

Update on Software Freedom Conservancy trademark/copyright

Tenly Snow (Deactivated)


Michael Downey

All-Community Meeting

OpenLMIS Community Meeting in June, please fill out this form by  to help us decide on a theme, understand your availability and determine a location! 

Tenly Snow (Deactivated)Kaleb: Wants to push us to engage end-users
  • Scheduling a debrief on Angola. Discussion around GS1 and presidential decree. Email Carl if you would like to participate. 

For all: We now have approval from USAID for the gap analysis project - woot woot! Should have a signed package out later today. 

Community and Product Updates
Reminder: Wiki signupPlease ensure that you are signed up for the OpenLMIS wiki. Click here to sign up if you don't already have a Confluence account. 
Product Committee Update & 3.3 Release
  • Gavi Demo will be on . The high-level presentation and planned user journey walk through is outlined in Version 3 Demo: Supporting Documentation.
  • The Tanzania Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health has approved the use of VIMS data. We are still working with them to obtain the data and will keep parties update. We hope we can use the data for a webinar as we will not have time to process/ingest the data prior to the Gavi Demonstration.  
  • Aiming to release 3.3 by the end of March, we are in the last sprint and fixing the remaining features and blocker/critical bugs.  Once completed we will conduct a full regression and begin the release process. If you would like to participate in the Release Candidate testing, please let Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) know and review the 3.3 Regression & Release Candidate Test Plan for details on the process. We welcome all implementers and community members to participate.
  • What's next for 3.4? The following themes have been identified and the PC will discuss what is recommended.
    • Improve sustainability of codebase so the software can be used long-term even beyond the current developers or current core team
      • Strengthen process for continuous delivery (including automated testing)
      • Performance improvements and testing
      • Technical debt and user documentation
    • Gap features (for details see Gap Analysis Development Project)
      • Dashboards and reporting (across levels)
      • Interfaces to external systems (potentially includes ERP, mobile, and offline applications)
      • Requisition enhancements (favoriting products, columns, usability improvements)
      • Budgeting
      • Fulfillment and re-supply features and enhancements
      • User personalization and self-service (configuration, notifications, dashboards)
      • Equipment tracking
      • Note: Gap features will begin during 3.4 release cycle, but will continue for the year of the Gap project. Gap feature prioritization will determine which of these features are conducted within the current Gap project budget and timeline.
    • Respond to community requests and needs
      • Notifications enhancements
      • Finalize stock based requisitions (not just for vaccines)
      • Continue working on vaccine features (distributions)
      • User Experience improvements

GSoC and Outreachy

The application deadline is approaching for both Outreachy and Google Summer of Code. If any quality proposals are submitted, we will select a student intern from each organization to work on OpenLMIS over the summer. 
Digital Square Gap Analysis AwardWe have received final USAID approval. Digitial Square is following up with VillageReach with next steps to finalize the sub-award and move forward. 
Digital Square Notice BFinal submission date for the OpenLMIS Notice B proposal is . The draft proposal can be viewed here
OpenLMIS deployment timelineAshraf are you able to help with eLMIS deployments in TZ, Zambia, Zanzibar, and CdI? 



Edward Wilson
Ashraf Islam
Mattias Wiklund


Matt Berg
Craig Appl

PATH / Digital Square

Jake Watson
Tenly Snow
Mary Jo Kochendorfer

VillageReach TZ



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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software