January 23, 2018 - RESCHEDULED from January 16

January 23, 2018 - RESCHEDULED from January 16

Monthly OpenLMIS Governance Committee Call. This meeting includes members of the governance committee, as well as anyone else interested in participating. 


7:00 - 8:00AM PST - Seattle

10AM to 11AM  EST - New York, DC

4:00PM CEST - Geneva, Copenhagen*

5:00PM EAT - Dar*

*Please note the updated meeting time in CEST and EAT timezones and the update call-in info below

Call Details

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/214188477

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16465588656,,214188477# or +14086380968,,214188477#

Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 214 188 477
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=wRxqI2_rSgQgMuyGfkJqWpM151Lwg6Bd

Action items for next call  

OHIE Supply Chain Group / HDC LMIS WG

Governance Charter / Opportunities Review

Action Items from December Governance  





Chat Captures

Introductions and call opening

  • Agenda review
  • Review new requests to join Governance committee
  • Previous Governance meeting notes: December 19, 2017

Review & vote on Ona's request to join committee. 

Ona has already been participating and is part of the gap analysis work. We have been reviewing the Governance charter, and need approval for new organizations to join. 

Carl proposed a motion to have Ona officially join the OpenLMIS Governance Committee. 

Kaleb seconded Carl's motion to invite Ona to join the OpenLMIS Governance Committee and Community. 

Round of yay/nay

Ona is accepted as an official member of the OpenLMIS Governance Committee and Community. 

From Me to Everyone: (07:04 AM)
From Matt Berg to Everyone: (07:27 AM)
Here is what I was referring too https://raml.org/legal
From Me to Everyone: (07:31 AM)
Do we know what other orgs are doing? Like DHIS2? Do they include a DHIS2 mark/logo in their instances?
From Mary Jo K to Everyone: (07:34 AM)
I am interested in the conversation.
From Matt Berg to Everyone: (07:39 AM)
I’m going to have to leave apologies. I have to head to the airport. Craig Appl from our side is on
From Mary Jo K to Everyone: (07:49 AM)
Carl, I believe Josh and I would be interested in understanding where Malawi is with the Facility Registry.
From Jake Watson to Everyone: (07:59 AM)
Thanks for joining, Matt — safe travels

OHIE Supply Chain Group / HDC LMIS WG

Tenly Snow (Deactivated)

Relative consensus on differences between groups

Opportunity to invite someone from PSM to participate and represent GS1 on the OHIE Supply Chain Group 

Technical calls - need technical representatives 

Josh Zamor participating 

Craig Appl from Ona? 

Tim Harding or Greg from BAO? 

Carl was assigned to be the communicator. OHIE group will function as the "Product" committee, 

Kaleb - Question, the OHIE SC group also reports to the Digital health and interoperability working group? No formal relationship. Coordination between groups, and the group that we most need to coordinate with is the Digital health and interoperability working group. We can talk more about that during the next HDC working group. 

Another workstream from HDC meeting was around basic packages and information. Also a more technical question by nature - is this something that the OHIE group could discuss? 

Jake: We discussed that on the call with Hitesh last time and said that they were very similar and could/should be bundled with the OHIE discussions. It was discussed, but that type of thing is not traditionally what OHIE has produced. That's not to say that it can't, they have defined things like the PEPFAR indicators. Just need to take it back to the OHIE supply chain subcommunity to see if that could be included. 

Carl: DH&I working group: Digital Square is the secretariat for the working group, several people are serving on the boards. There are many touchpoints but no formal relationships. 

Governance Charter / Opportunities Review


Matt Berg (Unlicensed)

Documenting what we want/need to change

Consensus around review with Product Committee

Assign pieces to draft 

Enforcement of branding? (put forth by Ona/Matt Berg (Unlicensed))

Allow access to the info@ email address to create more transparency for the community. In terms of business proposal development, the community could be in a better position to respond. 

Carl: Also some minor logistical things like changing the list of members and removing business processes. And we don't have a way to actually change the charter so we'll have to figure out whether we need a process (small majority?) for changing/approving the charter. 

Matt: Brought up the enforcement of branding, we are getting queries from people who are current users of OpenLMIS who didn't know they were using OpenLMIS. The challenge for open source is that anyone has access to use it, but you have people using it but not using it properly and that could hurt the brand. 

RAML - an example of branding/copyrighting 

Facing this with OpenSRP, we want to be able to protect the modules, saying it's OpenSRP certified/trademarked, and restricts people from doing whatever they want with the code, which is open source. A way to ensure that the quality of the implementation is maintained. This opens up more leverage for the community to manage. 

Kyle: A nuanced opinion. My initial response is that when you start branding things, we need to think this through as we look at technical quality of the product. We're seeing several products in the public good space, OpenSRP, OpenLMIS, and this almost moves them into a space with commercial background, with customers who understand the difference between global public goods and other types of systems. Also if we fast forward 2-3 years, we will have country owned implementations. Malawi and others - what does that mean in terms of the global product? 

Jake: Would suggest that we revisit the license. 

Kaleb: I see the value of having a trademark or a recognizable name. But I do also appreciate the fact that countries are owning it and that they have their own acronyms - "country owned." How do we find that balance of country ownership, the shared value proposition, feeding back into the global good. 

Tenly: The "powered by OpenLMIS" logo

Matt: But do we want an old fork to be labeled as OpenLMIS? Could create confusion. 

Kaleb: That's a good point, we need to consider whether old versions would have that mark. How do people know that the new version, version 3, is the "trusted brand." 

Carl: Is OpenLMIS trademarked? 

Jake: No, it's not. 

Kyle: Need to distinguish between copyright and trademark. We need to decide what to manage and control. 

Need to know what copyrights/trademarks are. Need to look at trademarking the name. 

Promoting shared re-use - if donors want to invest in this tool, we could go down the path where OpenMRS has been with many forks. 

Action item(s): 

Working group to review RAML 

Discuss who would hold the trademark/copyright? 

Someone from DIAL to particpiate (Michael) - give a high-level summary of what options are available 

Matt, Jake, Carl, Ashraf, Tenly , MJ 

Set up a call with Michael 

Gap Analysis Update 

Jake Watson (Deactivated)

Carl Leitner 

Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)

VR / JSI / Ona estimation meeting is cancelled.

Need to have a group calibration/scoping in order to measure velocity 

Funding opportunity with USAID TZ - need a proposal by Feb. 1 

Mary Jo: Estimation meeting next week is being canceled. We haven't been able to put together for the sub-award with PATH yet. We need to have a letter of authorization to start spending against that. Travel costs, etc. We are waiting for USAID approval (furloughed for the last two days). Both Matt and folks from JSI on the call, this is challenging since we've been planning to complete this meeting, so we're incurring some small costs to cancel and shift this. 

Carl: For any contract over $150k, we need AO approval. Assuming we don't get furloughed again, we can get all this resolved next week and start moving things forward. 

LB: Who are we waiting for? Can you send me an email so I can follow up?

Matt: We had multiple people blocked off and tickets bought so it was a bit unfortunate to have to cancel the meeting. 

Carl: The costs you are incurring can be covered once a contract is in place. 

Ashraf: Any visibility for when we should try to plan? 

Kaleb: Would be helpful if Digital Square has visibility into service level agreements for each step of the process. How do we have that transparency of each step in the process and what you hope the timeframe would be. What are the high-level milestone points and what are you trying to hit? I hadn't realized that USAID has to sign off on each award. Means that they would sign off on funding from other donors? 

Carl: No, only applies to USAID funding for $150k or above. We have a timeline of when that is. The contracting phase internally for PATH has a 10 day window. Dosen't apply to any of the Gates funding. 

Digital Square Announcement B0Tenly Snow (Deactivated)

98 Total Proposals


Will be sending out guidance in terms of deadlines. A large volume of proposals, PATH wants to ensure that they give high quality feedback to all submitters. 

Matt: Is everyone going to do full proposals? 

Carl: No, right now there were many outside out of the guidelines. Have now identified $950k total funding, actively looking for additional funding. We expect to have another round of proposals later this spring. Likely be geared toward health insurance information systems. Later this year there will be an additional amount of around a million for proposals. 

LB: Some concerns within USAID that we didn't understand what the decision criteria was going to be. 

Carl: We are getting a prioritization framework that the governing board would use. Being developed now, in February will be finalized and used in late April for the board decision. Looking at how well aligned the proposal is to the strategy. For this round of funding, it was the existing global goods and non-country implementations. We will continue to develop clear guidelines on the strategy and will be working with USAID. We'll be working on this throughout the year. There is no USAID funding that is earmarked for the existing global goods right now. 

LB: I had asked that some of the money we had set aside for connection with OpenLMIS - is that part of this?

Carl: That is not part of this call. We can chat offline about what that will be used for. 


  • OHIE (Facility Registry)
  • Global FP VAN - RHSD 


  • Opportunities for connection in Angola



Carl was in Malawi for the last OpenHIE meeting, worked on their eHealth architecture, facility registry, and OpenLMIS. In the notes for the call we looked at how OpenHIE architecture could be adapted to the Malawian context and how their currently being developed facility register, could interface with OpenLMIS and DHIS2 and how to manage the metadata. 

In two weeks Carl will be in Angola for a "tech camp" that involves the DHIS2 and OpenLMIS implementations. Would be great to get contacts for some of the potential connection points. 

Jake: Kyle, it would be great to hook Carl up with Becky and team. Dercio gave a slight orientation to the new OpenLMIS advisor that was hired for Angola. There is a new MIS advisor, should be in country this week so should be settled and ready to meet. 

Kyle: DHIS2 implementation team, through PSI. They reached out to work together and coordinate in Angola. Especially around these connection points, the master facility list, master data management, governance, etc. Good timing. Make sure that the PSM folks in Angola can meet with Carl and PSI and have time for the meetings 

Carl: Make specific recommendations for attendance. Just want to doublecheck that the right people are on the list. PSI is doing the logistics of the tech camp. We are supporting for facilitation and content. 

Jake: We have a list of attendees to the LMIS workshop that Dercio and Langa led. Jake or Kyle can share with Carl. 

Global FP VAN

Ramy was in touch with Jake to let him know that Malawi and Nigeria were selected for 18 month projects. Above the central medical store (global VAN), and Stew Stremel came to VR a couple weeks ago. They are in the vendor selection stage, 1Network, Intellicog, etc., we will work with them in Malawi to share what we know. Ramy mentioned if there is an opportunity to augment OpenLMIS to facilitate the data sharing, that Ramy had some HQ funds for this project. No action items yet but we're trying ot suppor that effort. 

LB: Questions regarding that to make sure we're staying in the loop. My only concern about this RFP is that it's not a data analytics tool but a workflow tool. What does that mean, what additional data transformation will need to happen, including the eLMIS. It is not as clear cut as they imply it is. 

Jake: Let them know that there is no product master, we didn't take advantage of the GS1 product model because CMST wasn't quite ready. Joyce has been driving this in Malawi, but it wasn't clear whether she knew much about OpenLMIS.

Kyle: I don't know about her level of knowledge of OpenLMIS. Taking a step back, the global FP VAN is an interesting/complimentatary product in this space. The pilots in Nigeria and Malawi will offer us insight into what we've been working on. Interoperability and more standardized data exchange processes. We should keep coming back with updates on the Malawi VAN to the Governance committee, from the PSM side. We are at the forefront for both the OpenLMIS deployment but also the FP VAN. It's still at the evaluation stage and we are separating out teams here for evaluation and implementation, but once the vendor is selected, I see more information sharing on whichever vendor it is and the country specific implementations. We will likely see more of this in the future, maybe not Global VAN, but derivitives off of this for broader data warehousing, GDSN sync, workflows, etc. 

LB: This is only for family planning products, need to keep in mind the broader impact this may have on multiple commodity groups. Keep that as a conversation point. 

Jake: Kelly might be receptive to some proposals in Tanzania by Feb. 1 so we are trying to get a reprioritized list from Alfred for the gap work. 

LB: Need to have the conversation soon because she may not remain in her position too much longer. 

Alfred: Tomorrow we will sit with 5 super users that are non GHSC or USAID projects. Going to talk with program pharmacists, regional pharmacists, hospital pharmacists, to get their inputs. Hopefully we will get something different from TZ. 

Digital Square: Carl will be interim director starting Feb. 2. Be aware that Carl's plate is full. We are bringing in new resources to fill that gap, but just be aware that this is coming. 

Community Updates

TechNet-21 National Logistics Working Groups (NLWGs)

NexLeaf Bloghttp://openlmis.org/integrating-cold-chain-data-openlmis-collaboration-nexleaf-analytics/
"Pitch" Video
Digital Square BlogTBD
OpenLMIS and GS1 2-Pagerhttp://openlmis.org/resource/openlmis-and-gs1/
DIAL Open Source Center and Google Summer of CodeOpenLMIS will be included in the 2018 Google Summer of Code under the DIAL Open Source Center "umbrella." 


Craig Appl 
Matt Berg

Jake Watson
Tenly Snow
Alfred Mchau
Mary Jo Kochendorfer

Mattias Wiklund
Ashraf Islam

Naomi Printz

Chris Opit

Kaleb Brownlow 

Lindabeth Doby 

Carl Leitner

Chemonics / GHSC-PSM
Kyle Duarte 



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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software