March 12, 2019
Monthly OpenLMIS Governance Committee Call. This meeting includes members of the governance committee, as well as anyone else interested in participating.
- 7:00 - 8:00 AM PST - Seattle
- 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST - New York, DC
- 3:00 PM CET - Geneva, Copenhagen (4PM during daylight saving time of the year)
- 5:00 PM EAT - Dar (6PM during daylight saving time of the year)
Call Details
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Meeting ID: 377 281 719
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Action items for next call
Action Items from February Governance |
- Rebecca and others to finalize Trusted Partner Declaration of community principles
- Conduct a vote regarding Empower joining the OpenLMIS Community as a Trusted Partner
Topic | Who | Notes | Chat Captures |
Introductions and Call opening
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Followup re Empower School of Health Vote | Carl Leitner | We received very limited votes and were not able to reach a conclusion- is there an issue? Kaleb: Traditionally haven't seen Empower as a service provider. Are there expectations around their skillsets? This could lead to a larger question around roles of Trusted Partners in general Intake form- look for skillsets that we are looking for. what capabilities that they have that they can contribute? Proposal for future votes: 'No' votes should be accompanied with an explanation of why (this will remain confidential but be informative for the steward team) Because we are in long transition period its hard to know what skillsets will be needed Next step: Rebecca to re-circulate slides, and share recording. Identify secondary points of contacts for each voting member so they can follow up Future No votes for voting on any Trusted Partner should include explanations- Brandon agrees and supports this idea | |
Trusted Partner Update | Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) | BAO is on board- welcome! Their primary points of contact for their involvement with OpenLMIS are: Peter Galleta- Head of Product at BAO (will join product committee calls) Dan Cocos- CTO of BAO, oversees their hosting operations (will join governance calls) Tamara Goldschmidt- point person re: new business opportunities/advocacy DHIS2 Symposium: BAO are very graciously helping us to be represented at the DHIS2 Symposium- Question: Are there other partners attending DHIS2 Symposium who could speak/present something on behalf of OpenLMIS? Carl Leitner will be attending and has volunteered to represent OpenLMIS in some format. Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) to connect him with BAO to see what we can arrange. Other TP update: Previous conversations about TP logo and intellectual property issues- will revisit this after sustainability work is done | |
Trello Board- Country Opportunity Review | Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) | Request status updates from Trusted Partners re: Cameroon- Gaurav/CHAI: There is a new Minister of Health so there it's in a bit of a holding pattern. Gambia- JSI and CHAI reached out with indicative budget for 'vanilla' 3.x implementation. Their requirements were not clear Zimbabwe RFP- JSI considered it, but given the requirements and the timeline they were asking for it was not a good fit. CHAI, VR & SolDevelo partnered for an application. Were expecting to hear back on the 28th of Feb Zambia eSCMIS- Any confirmed responses, other than JSI? Dominica RFP- No submissions from JSI Recent opportunity in Benin announced-- I reached out to WAHIT (West Africa team of software developers in informatics experts) to see if they are interested in supporting any OpenLMIS partners since they are local and have French language skills *Different model of supporting implementations? Brandon suggests: Do we want to create a $10,000 package where we install the basic system and do a week long workshop, pull in local tech vendors. Give people a bit of knowledge and a starting point. This would be a good model of getting started. We have a lot of inquiries of people who want to use our software who cant pay full price. Maybe the offering that we have is not what the clients want. Craig- want to be cautious and know that there is a larger sustainability conversation. A fully sustainable solution that is locally owned and will function in the long term Kaleb: What are our overarching goals? Market-share? Market presence? less countries/more people? this will help us to define our strategy to define our 'package of services'. We want to make sure to maintain our reputation and undermine brand perception of quality of OpenLMIS Wes: would be helpful to start thinking about after 3.6/get feedback from implementing partners→ wes can lead a conversation about this in the next governance meeting Carl: is finding a new local partner an issue? should we create tool/guideline for finding local organizations? Gaurav: Yes, not knowing the quality of the local organizations are is always unclear. When it seems an opportunity is promising in terms of level of interest of the inquiry- they don't seem to be well prepared in terms of knowing what they want and how much funds they have for it. Timelines tend to be unrealistic. What is missing is an understanding of what it takes to implement an LMIS on the ground. Ashraf agrees with this assessment. RFPs have been very poorly designed- usually ask for EVERYTHING and don't have the funds How can we ensure there are better RFPs? Is this something we can share with the inter-agency supply group and other groups to ensure a better understanding of costs and implementation scenarios. Can find channels through GAVI, Unicef, etc. Next Steps Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) to share draft of Getting Started Guide and continue this conversation in our next governance meeting | |
Resonance Team Update | Zachary Harris | Resonance Project Update
Proposal from Resonance to move May call to May 7th (from May 14th) and to extend to 90 minutes- want some extra time with the governance committee leading up to the May workshop. Should we create an additional meeting or combine this exercise with our existing May meeting? Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) to schedule a new meeting on May 7th for Resonance | |
| Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) | presentation of draft concept note for OpenLMIS Study Tours to governance for feedback Process Overview: -study tour opportunity identified and shared with Trusted Partners. Any TP is welcome to work with MoH to apply for funds -TP and MoH coordinate to complete the Study Tours Funds application -Application submitted by TP to Community Manager -Application Review committee reviews and scores the application/s, applying the predetermined evaluation criteria Looking for feedback from Governance Committee:
-Ashraf: you need a funder or donor to be associated with the visit. How are we accounting to that? We might be able to independently reach out to the funder that they mention- so we can cross verify -Lindabeth: if we get requests, USAID can tell us if they have funds that they anticipate spending on an LMIS Gaurav: evaluation criteria- if the country does not have funds that would limit the number of countries that might be out there. If could be that eval criteria focuses on strong interest in implementing an LMIS. If there is a compelling case, maybe we can pitch their case to find funding for it. Carl: this is exciting, Ashraf too Brandon: we can work out scoring criteria at a future meeting | |
OpenLMIS Representation in the Digital Health Atlas | Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) | There is a map that stakeholders can scan to see what digital health technologies are being used in each country. Linkages to the Global Good Guide Book (Carl Leitner to describe) Consensus needed on who the contact/focal person for each implementation should be. How is it being used? Donors want to know a foot print of a solution (how scaled is it). Additionally if anyone wants to learn more about the solution, they will want a contact which can provide that information. Option 1) Each implementing organization is listed as the contact. If we have each implementing organization serve as the point person, we want a way to say they are all OpenLMIS. Option 2) We list as the contact, so inquiries come to the Community Manager. If we have be the point for each implementation, we will need a way to keep it updated (right now we don’t know all the information about the scale of the solution in each country. VOTE | |
Scheduling of next 2 governance calls | Rebecca will be travelling during April call Proposal from Resonance to move May call to May 7th (from May 14th) and to extend to 90 minutes | ||
Conferences and Meetings Conferences provide the community the opportunity for OpenLMIS members to speak or represent the OpenLMIS software and community in public forum. | All | Conferences
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Opportunities Roundtable Definitions to use shared terminology:
| Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) | Country implementation opportunities:
Community Opportunities:
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To discuss in a future call: Interoperability | What is our strategy for interoperability? strategy for fostering connections with other orgs: for example: TransIT link to documentation in 3.5 about interoperability what will be impactful for the countries we work in? high level strategic discussion | ||
AOB | |||
Community and Product Updates | |||
Product Updates | |||
Community Updates |
ATTENDANCE: Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed), Carl Leitner, Parambir S Gill (Unlicensed), Gaurav Bhattacharya (Unlicensed), Amanda BenDor (Unlicensed), Wesley Brown, Mattias Wiklund (Unlicensed), Kaleb Brownlow (Unlicensed), Zachary Harris (Resonance), Lindabeth Doby, Brian Taliesin, Brandon Bowersox-Johnson, Craig Appl (Unlicensed)
March 12 Meeting Recording:
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software