May 21, 2019
Monthly OpenLMIS Governance Committee Call. This meeting includes members of the governance committee, as well as anyone else interested in participating.
- 7:00 - 8:00 AM PST - Seattle
- 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST - New York, DC
- 3:00 PM CET - Geneva, Copenhagen (4PM during daylight saving time of the year)
- 5:00 PM EAT - Dar (6PM during daylight saving time of the year)
Call Details
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One tap mobile +16699006833,,377281719# US (San Jose) or +19294362866,,377281719# US
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Meeting ID: 377 281 719
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Action items for next call
Action Items from April Governance |
- Rebecca and others to finalize Trusted Partner Declaration of community principles
- Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) to write up Study Tours process and post it on the OpenLMIS website to launch it formally
- Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) to update the Digital Health Atlas with info@ as principle contact for all country entries. Carl Leitner or other person TBD will connect with the Digital Health Atlas folks to see if we can add contact spaces for additional entries
- Brandon Bowersox-Johnson to draft statement that can go on our website to describe the different versions and which are supported by donors; we should also create a page describing upgrade path (2.0 to 3.0)
Topic | Who | Notes | Chat Captures |
Introductions and Call opening
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Sustainability Update: Resonance | Resonance Team | You can reference their webinar page on the wiki to sign up for the 3 upcoming webinar input sessions New faces on the Resonance team, and pulling in other experts in health and from Lenati for marketing strategy | |
Presentation from Infinity Systems 10 minute ppt and Q&A | Olufemi Adewumi | Presentation to apply to become a Trusted Partner Infinity Systems Africa EOI_final.docx Question from Carl: Talk more about the developer network: their skills, how you engage with them? Answer: both front end and back end development; encourage team members to learn any skills that they want. They have IBM background so use IBM Watson a lot, but are not tied to any specific industry. Just try to ensure that skills that are needed are available More on the relationship with Andela | |
WHO Digital Health Guidelines | Carl Leitner | One guideline around stock management, support of mobile apps Wanted to call attention to this in case it is helpful for people. Guidelines are available here. This is likely to be updated in 5 years, so will be around for a while. We should be referencing this in our advocacy work. This gives justification for funders as to why they are making investments in these technologies. now there is solid evidence for it
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Trusted Partner Update | Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) | Overview Final Version of Trusted Partner Declaration Purpose-create formal mechanism for partners to agree to OpenLMIS values, practices, and norms Principal Contents- OpenLMIS shared values, ways for partners to contribute to and engage with the community, expectations of TPs in terms of engagement and contributions to new business efforts No new information, just putting everything in one place for transparency Period for final review–2 weeks Next Steps: Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) to circulate this document to TPs today. All Trusted Partners should provide questions or feedback by June 4th (2 weeks) Introduce Empower School of Health representatives:
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Interoperability | Carl Leitner | Interoperability (& Integration) -this is a series of resources on current state of interoperability as well as some future work. The Product Catalog Mgmt Tool is being kicked off-- global identifiers for health commodities Update: a few threads going around related to supply chain interoperability; rationalizing and making indicators standards based; IHE profile called mADX will be going out for public comment within a few weeks Are folks available to review. Indicator work is being folded into WHO workstream for digital health; they are building decision-support tools and guidance around indicators. This can inform future funding opportunities in general, and particularly around stock indicators which are aligned with the Digital Health guidelines | |
Active Trusted Partner Outreach | Proactive vs Reactive approach: Want to leverage our donor perspective to strategically be courting and selecting new partners. This input can help to inform our strategy for future conferences/events and our next community meeting Is there interest in engaging in a needs assessment to guide active partner outreach? Yes Gaurav Bhattacharya (Unlicensed) Carl Leitner Brian Taliesin Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) to have side conversation and update at the next governance meeting | ||
Conferences and Meetings Conferences provide the community the opportunity for OpenLMIS members to speak or represent the OpenLMIS software and community in public forum. | All | Upcoming Conferences
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Opportunities Roundtable Definitions to use shared terminology:
| Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) | Country implementation opportunities:
Community Opportunities:
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AOB | |||
Community and Product Updates | |||
Product Updates | |||
Community Updates |
Carl Leitner Brian Taliesin Gaurav Bhattacharya (Unlicensed) Josh Zamor Justice & Femi from Infinity Systems, Emily/Kim.Resonance, Sierra Petrosky (Unlicensed) Lindabeth Doby, Brandon Bowersox-Johnson, Sachin Jagchap, Dan Cocos
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software