

The following goals and subsequent activities arose from VR's Sprint 8 planning session. Please review them in order to inform your work over the next Sprint/week. (Sprint 8 will be a one-week sprint.)

Immediate Goals

  • Process goal: We would like to work within a single, shared, branch within each repository. This will help foster developer communication and further our projects' ongoing and overall integration effort.
  • Complete the referencedata service by:
    • Having Products and RBAC implemented within referencedata.
    • Connecting the requisitions service to the referencedata service, and subsequently cleaning up the former.

      These steps, in descending order of priority, will get us there. They're preceded by the name of the developer or group primarily responsible along with a due date we hope to be reasonable.

      • Soldevelo, Friday (9/9): Merge all in-progress work within branches of the openlmis-referencedata repository into the master branch, and subsequently remove all obsolete feature branches.
        After completing this effort, please ask all developers to check-in their code once a daily at minimum. Please encourage them to check-in even more often when possible. This will improve visibility along with our degree of integration and thus cohesiveness.
      • Josh ZamorFriday (9/9): Finish adding products to the openlmis-referencedata service. In addition to code, design diagrams suitable for use as a good example(s) of the diagrams we ask other developers to provide will be checked into the repository.
      • Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)Friday (9/9): Finish adding RBAC functionality to the openlmis-auth service. This functionality was shown as part of the Sprint 7 showcase and looks mostly done. In addition to code, design diagrams suitable for use as a good example(s) of the diagrams we ask other developers to provide will be checked into the repository. 
      • Josh ZamorTuesday (9/13): Provide diagrams depicting the design for how products will be added to the openlmis-requisition service.
      • Soldevelo, Thursday (9/15): Refactor the openlmis-requisition service such that it uses the openlmis-referencedata service.

  • Improve QA practices
  • Move forward with UI. Soldevelo continue working on the following parts of the Requisition UI:
    • Initiate page - OLMIS-1004
    • Create page - OLMIS-908
    • If more UI can be completed in the one week sprint, let Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)know and she will create more stories.

Continue working on tickets which rolled over from Sprint 7

Ongoing Goal

  • Focus on and improve OOAD. This effort will span this as well as subsequent Sprints.

Notes for next sprint

Developers can’t currently write automated tests for code which relies on other services. This is because:

A) Such tests cannot be run by the CI server, given that the server is not responsible for launching the dependent services

B) We have not yet required service-authors to provide mocks which can be used as a substitute for the existence of their service.

Currently, the best a developer can do is thus to ensure that their code works on their machine, within the ecosystem of services they've manually launched. This isn't ideal, and should be something we address soon in an upcoming sprint.

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software