Tableau: How to download and install Tableau Reader

Tableau: How to download and install Tableau Reader

Tableau Reader is the free software application that allows you to view the monthly reports (including graphs and charts) from the data in SELV.

System Requirements

To use Tableau Reader, your computer must:

  1. Use Microsoft Windows 7, 8, Vista, XP, Server 2003, Server 2008, or Server 2012. 
  2. Have at least 56 megabytes of free disk space. 


Step-by-step guide

Downloading and Installing Tableau Reader

  1. Go to http://www.tableausoftware.com/products/reader.

  2. Click Download.

  3. When the file is done downloading, click on the file at the bottom of the browser window.
  4. An alert box should pop up and ask if you want to run the file. Click Run.
  5. Accept the license agreement terms by checking the "I have read and accept the terms" box and clikcing Install.

  6. The installing may take a few moments. 

  7. In the Windows alert box that asks: "Do you want to allow the following program to install software on your computer?" click Yes.

  8. Once installing is complete, Tableau reader will open automatically. Continue to Tableau: How to open a report in Tableau to learn how to open and view a report in Tableau Reader. 


Tips and Tricks:

After download and installation, Tableau Reader should open automatically. For how to open Tableau Reader manually, see __Open Tableau on my computer__.


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