Backlog Grooming Sprint 20

Backlog Grooming Sprint 20

Squashing bugs and making the software stable will be very important. Within the UI, there are a couple final features and polish. For platfrom there are some key tickets and tasks we want over the finish line.

Release Accoutrements

  • OLMIS-1921 - Getting issue details... STATUS  Team ILL

  • OLMIS-1922 - Getting issue details... STATUS  Team ILL


Priorities: 1. Bugs. 2. Contract Tests. 3. Tech Debt.

1. Bugs

  • OLMIS-1905 - Getting issue details... STATUS   (Sebastian: many questions in the ticket)
  • OLMIS-1869 - Getting issue details... STATUS   (Sebastian: question in the ticket)

2. Contract Tests 

3. Tech Debt

Decided not to do 1108, 966, or 1391.

Why? It's more important to me to have a stable release, even if it contains this tech debt, rather than try to do these refactors and have the system be unstable on release day.


  • OLMIS-1915 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-1916 - Getting issue details... STATUS   (Sebastian: decision how to fix pending in ticket comments)
  • OLMIS-1821 - Getting issue details... STATUS





Bugs should be prioritized however we hope to get through all the tasks as well; Product Grid is the most important feature, and should be worked on first

Tasks in priority order:

  • OLMIS-1920 - Getting issue details... STATUS (Sebastian: question/confirmation in the ticket comment)
  • OLMIS-1408 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-1927 - Getting issue details... STATUS (Sebastian: "ranting" + questions in the ticket comments)
  • OLMIS-1809 - Getting issue details... STATUS (Sebastian: questions about styling/colors in the ticket comment)
  • OLMIS-1924 - Getting issue details... STATUS (Sebastian: Fix version 3.1 in the ticket)
  • OLMIS-1806 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Team ILL)
  • OLMIS-1807 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Team ILL)
  • OLMIS-1808 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Team ILL)
  • OLMIS-1442 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Lowest priority)


Please view the following screen shot. If you use the 3.0, UI, Bug filter you will see the bugs in priority rankings. This was the easiest way to copy across.

Sebastian:  Questions in: OLMIS-1887 - Getting issue details... STATUS , OLMIS-1720 - Getting issue details... STATUS
OLMIS-1935 - Getting issue details... STATUS , OLMIS-1936 - Getting issue details... STATUS - do we even need those 2?

Reference Data



  • OLMIS-1934 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (ILL - Josh)
  • OLMIS-970 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Added by Brandon based on comments in the ticket.)
  • OLMIS-1521 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-1686 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (One person should take this task on – only do a script if there is time to do it)
  • OLMIS-1737 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Team ILL)
  • OLMIS-1741 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Team ILL)

Not so critical

(Unclear if this will go into sprint)

OLMIS-1856 - Getting issue details... STATUS (Paweł Gesek: I think we could reduce scope here by doing this within the one service you need) Response: yes we could, but I would rather do all the services at once - it's not much work. I wouldn't be putting this into the final pre-release sprint - I don't need this urgently.

to add and prioritize:

  • connect the nginx response time metrics to Scalyr logs (if possible)
  • OLMIS-737 - Getting issue details... STATUS (doc if room) (Team ILL)

Stretch Goals:

  • OLMIS-1742 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Need someone who knows the Sphinx/ReadTheDocs tooling to do this!)


Paweł Gesek and Sebastian Brudziński: this report is a must-have for the 3.0 release; if there is another person who can work with Pawel Nawrocki and start this report right away, that would be great. Otherwise please keep an eye on this one.

OLMIS-1769 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) still needs to clean this up) (Critical) (Sebastian: seems like something is missing in the acceptance criteria)

QA - Contract tests

Anna Czyrko (Unlicensed) Is it really possible to implement this many contract tests in one sprint? It seems like a large number. What about OLMIS-1013 and 1014?

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