2017-10-09 Meeting notes

2017-10-09 Meeting notes


Join the call: https://www.uberconference.com/samim1
Optional dial in number: 401-283-2986
PIN: 22089



  • QA weekly discussion

Discussion items


Sprint status

Regression testing status

  • Joanna has completed more than half of the regression testing. 
    • Visva and Sam still need to complete the remaining tests.
10min Showcase responsibilities 
  • No video
  • Joanna will showcase the sprint test cases
  • Joanna will talk about the test cases that she ran for regression
  • If there is time Joanna can talk about exploratory testing, # of issues found, and their priority
  • Sam will talk about the remaining regression test cases 

Regression testing for Sprint 37 (release sprint)

  • What other scenarios should be tested?

Focus on CCE regression testing

Action items


OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software