2018-11-15 Functional test & tracking improvements from manual testing

2018-11-15 Functional test & tracking improvements from manual testing


Nov 15, 2018


  • @Sam Im (Deactivated)

  • @Joanna Bebak (Deactivated)

  • @Joanna Szymańska (Deactivated)

  • @Wesley Brown


  • First half of this meeting:

    • Manual test steps or test cases should be updated based on new functional tests. Track & report changes to test cases, increased testing efficiency

    • How do we tell the story? Where we started, time saved, complexity removed, number of steps removed? The story we want to tell is the decrease of manual testing

    • Make changes to test cases (who is responsible?)


    Second half:

    • Review test plan updates with “The Joannas” ☺

Discussion items









Changes to manual test cases after they are compared to functional test cases

@Joanna Szymańska (Deactivated)

  • When test case or test steps are removed they are documented and comments are added in the test case.

  • Or commenting that steps have been changed within this test case because of added functional test cases

Functional test improvements: may help catch regressions, during creation of functional tests we were able to catch regressions that were identified after the functional tests failed and research was completed (@Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed) may help here), improved process for writing functional tests, make functional tests easy to run locally

Future improvements - functional tests grouped and easy to search

Action items

@Mateusz Kwiatkowski Need final list of all functional tests that were created during 3.5
@Joanna Bebak (Deactivated) provide list of impacted manual test cases that are related to new functional tests
@Joanna Bebak (Deactivated) provide original number of test cases and how many have been marked as dead


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