2017-08-07 QA Meeting notes

2017-08-07 QA Meeting notes


Join the call: https://www.uberconference.com/samim1
Optional dial in number: 401-283-2986
PIN: 22089




OLMIS-2874 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Add test cases
  • Showcase video

Test Strategy: Sprint grooming & planning workflow, daily defect tracking

Backlog Grooming Sprint 31

  • Responsibilities
  • Tracking time accurately for dev tickets and test case execution and reporting status
      • Step 1: Adding test cases for dev tickets: Identify incomplete test coverage per ticket, create test case stubs for missing test cases and link them in the ticket
        • This includes test cases for bugs. Bugs that are added to the sprint should have associated test cases as well.
      • Step 2: Create Test cycles for each sprint: one for the entire Sprint testing, and a separate test cycle for regression testing during the sprint
        • Assign the test cases to the test cycle
        • When should the test cycle start? Automatically at the beginning of the sprint, or once the first test case begins execution?
        • Pre-plan test cycles. Test cycles should be set up and scheduled for each sprint (regular and regression), where test cases can be added as the sprint grooming page is updated. This helps us identify if scenarios are missing for certain dev tickets.
      • Step 3: Generate Test Execution Burndown chart and post daily
      • Step 4: Top defect report as the sprint goes on (maybe use next sprint)

Which tickets need test cases added? List here
  • QA slack channel daily updates
  • Informal questions about processes, tasks, tickets, concerns
  • List tickets that have been reviewed with devs for test coverage
  • Weekly meetings every Monday
  • Showcase regression testing:
    • Review the test cycle and the associated test cases
    • Show Zephyr
    • Show if there were any defects

Action items

  • Sam Im (Deactivated) add discussion for next sprint's regression testing to meeting agenda for Friday
  • Move Meeting to Friday
  • Sprint 32 test cycle

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