2018-10-18 QA Weekly Meeting notes

2018-10-18 QA Weekly Meeting notes




  • Regression testing
  • Release Planning 

Discussion items


Status of regression testing

  • Regression testing bug triage and prioritization
    • Should we include dev team review of bugs found before we start working on them? For reproduction and clarification on how to resolve?

Joanna Bebak (Deactivated)

Finished regression testing - 117 test cases executed, 13 bugs reported - 3 critical, 5 major, 5 minor

Need more resources to do regression testing so that it will not take so long next time. Some of the time spent was on reviewing test cases and test steps

We would like to start scheduling at least 1 hour a week to review bugs in the backlog, to update them or review if they are still valid. This will be done to help reduce the bug backlog, and prioritize.

3.5 Release Candidate test plan

  • Starting test plan creation
    • Reorganizing testing to focus on new features first, then regression testing
    • Reviewing test cases created by other teams and adding them to the CoreRegression label OR has this been discussed in Tech Committee?
  • Where do we expect to be with functional testing by the time we start release testing?
  • Environments needed
    • Need to let Josh know in advance how many environments we want to set up
    • Who will own each environment? This needs to be listed in the test plan
  • Resources
  • When to schedule (Starts in Sprint 113)
  • Communication (before we start and during)
  • Exploratory testing & Batch Approval testing

Bugs that must be fixed before release candidate

  • Blocker and critical bugs
  • Malawi bugs?

Setting up and managing bug triage

  • Core and Malawi should be included
  • Monitoring Malawi UAT

Sam Im (Deactivated)

Create different test cycles for each team that contain multiple components in each test cycle. 

Zephyr New features: https://zephyrdocs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ZFJ0400/pages/422739969/All+Release+Notes

  • Anything we need to mention to other users when we get to release testing?

Action items


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