2018-09-06 QA Weekly Meeting notes




    • Review status of updates to test cases
    • Patch release testing
    • Regression test cases
    • Results from release retrospective
    • Test Strategy

    Discussion items


    • Review status of updates to test cases the past two weeks
      • Removing administrator from test steps (unless it is an Administration test case)

    Not many test cases remain to update. Ref Data, UI, and ones without components. One more sprint of updating test cases.

    • Patch release testing
      • Patch release will support changes to Stock Based Requisitions (need more info on tickets from Sebastian)
      • Review patch release process:Patch Release Test Plan (v3.3.1)
      • Add general patch release testing steps to Test Strategy

    Move to next meeting

    • Regression test cases
      • Labeled CoreRegression
    • Plan for bugs impacting regression test cases
      • Bug triage for each team, in grooming? So they can review and add to their backlog
      • Bug cleanup - reproducing bugs, adding proposed solutions, sizing so bugs are easy to pick up by any team, more quick wins

    How can we track the progress of CoreRegression test cases that are replaced with automated testing?

    API test cases that get replaced with contract tests.

    • Results from Release Retrospective questionnaire
    • Next steps, plans to improve for 3.5 release

    Test Strategy

    Include: reproducing the issue before creating the bug? When a bug is created, it should be in Roadmap status until it has been triaged and reproduced.

    Split team members across all servers during testing. 

    Do not change permissions for important users. OR explain to users on the QA slack channel that you have changed the permissions of a user - similar to how the posting of the redeploy to uat is communicated. 

    Next meeting date?

    Next meeting discussion: Malawi test plan help, other testers, functional test reviews

    • Communication about our QA meetings to other teams, maybe posting in the QA slack channel? Highlight key points and post a link for others to see if they want.
    Monday or Thursday.

Action items


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