SolDevelo leads in Seattle Jan. 2018
Mon 15 | Tues 16 | Wed 17 | Thur 18 | Fri 19 | |
AM | Product Model FHIR and Nexleaf Orderables update/editability | Reporting Showcase 8:00am Product Committee 9:00am | Reporting Meeting 6:00am Showcase 7:00am Retrospective 11:00am-12:00pm | Sprint Q&A 8:00am 11:00am Ticket-Writing Discussion (follow-up from Retrospective) | 10:00am: Discuss how to empower Team Parrot to work more autonomously and Team Lead Structure at SD 11:30am Team ILL Sprint Planning |
10:30am- Ticket-Writing workshop with Sam Im (Deactivated) for Stock-Based Requisition (just Sam, Sebastian, Nikodem) | Lunch: Blockchain Lunch-and-Learn | ||||
PM | Vaccines Scope High-Level Overview Stock-Based Requisitions workshop | 1:00pm Review Tickets by Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) (Josh will review AM)
| Sprint Planning 1:30-3:00pm | Product Model Review 1:00pm Sebastian Brudziński Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed) 1:30pm Domain Driven Design 4:00pm Feature-Based Dependencies | 1-2 GSoC++ (Josh, Brandon, Tenly) 2:00pm Testing Plan for 3.3 facilitated by Sam Im (Deactivated) 3:30-4:00pm UI Page Templates by Nick Reid (Deactivated) |
4:30pm-Evening: Dinner and Board Games at VillageReach |
Mon 22 | Tues 23 | Wed 24 | |
Tenly is here! (Mon-Thurs) | Craig Appl and Mary Jo are meeting from 11 - 1pm | Martin from Nexleaf is in the office | |
AM | 11:00am (after stand-up) UI v7 pattern discussion (nuts and bolts) Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed) Nick Reid (Deactivated) Sebastian Brudziński Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) | 7:00am Tech Committee 9 - 10am VR Staff meeting | |
PM | 1:00-1:30 OpenLMIS Community Engagement Tenly Snow (Deactivated) 3:00pm PoD Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) | 1:00 Sprint Process discussion 2:00 UI Cache Strategy | Local Fulfillment UI: |
Suggested Topics
- Ticket-writing workshop for Vaccines MVP
- Interested: Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) Sebastian Brudziński Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed)
- DONE: Vaccines Scope High-Level Overview - Monday PM
- DONE: Stock-Based Requisitions workshop - Monday PM by Sam Im (Deactivated)
- POD - Monday PM by Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)
- By end of workshop, we would have made tickets for stock-based requisitions and perhaps others: Creating an Order, POD and reviewing the rest of Local Fulfillment. Interested: Sam Im (Deactivated) Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) Josh Zamor
- DONE: Orderables update/editability - Monday AM
- Interested: Sam Im (Deactivated) Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) Josh Zamor
- Can we start writing tickets? Are we aiming to have the orderables editable for next release? Anything we still need to clear up?
- Personas
- Interested: Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) Nick Reid (Deactivated)
- review/revise Personas with Nikodem and Sebastian
- new ones (Spock-based) and Vaccines ones
- DONE: FHIR and Nexleaf integration - Monday AM
- Interested: Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) Josh Zamor
- #reporting work and tech design
Tech Design
- UI Future Plans
- Interested: Nick Reid (Deactivated) Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed) Josh Zamor Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) Ben Leibert
- Nick and Nikodem discussing UI v7, Plain Old JS, patterns, etc.
- DONE: Feature-Based Dependencies by Nick Reid (Deactivated)
- "Repository Verticals", feature-based dependencies, feature flags
- Interested: Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed)
- DONE: Product Model / Commodity Model for Commodity Types and Trade Items, GS1, GTINs, GLNs, etc.
- DONE: Domain Driven Design
- Interested: Nick Reid (Deactivated) Sebastian Brudziński Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) Ben Leibert
- how it applies to both UI and API code
- Cache Strategy
- offline and service caching
- DONE: UI Page Templates by Nick Reid (Deactivated)
- UI generic screens and style guide
- Test Coverage - Lunch
- API tools and doc by Josh Zamor will bring up during lunch
Interested in all process topics: Sebastian Brudziński Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed)
- DONE: Discuss how to empower Team Parrot to work more autonomously or with less specific direction from Team ILL
- Interested: Josh Zamor
- Showed at Showcase: Ticket Style Guide
- Interested: Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)
- review and discuss?
- DONE: Testing Plan for 3.3
- Interested: Sam Im (Deactivated) Nick Reid (Deactivated) Ben Leibert
- Sprint Process
- investigate better (more interactive) ways to lead the sprint planning - follow up on this topic from /wiki/spaces/OP/pages/170164285
- Team Lead structure (follow-up with Brandon Bowersox-Johnson we can do this remotely)
- Interested: Nick Reid (Deactivated)
- also discuss team member feedback (Brandon, Sebastian, Nikodem)
- project/collaboration SWOT activity (OO design issues, cleaning up old code, build issues, all the challenges, etc)
- Interested: Nick Reid (Deactivated)
- go for pizza after work / social time - Wednesday?
- board games by Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)
Notes / Photos / Whiteboards
Vaccine MVP Overview by Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated):
Stock-Based Requisitions by Sam Im (Deactivated)
Feature Flags
The center of this whiteboard shows how Requisition has feature-based dependencies on Stock Management and Fulfillment:
Domain-Driven Design in UI
Team Parrot work autonomously
Top idea: Team Parrot writes the POD feature epics/stories/tickets and makes mockups from Mary Jo just explaining verbally.
Supporting doc about Vaccine Stock Based requisitions and what we can accomplish:
2018-01-23 Defining Total Received/Consumed Qty for Stock Based Requisitions
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software