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Elias involved in E2E effort earlier, may have influenced the doc
Is v3 meant to conform/utilize GS1? No, but it is a goal. We will be mindful of it when creating schema and API.
Ask for tech committee to review the USAID document - how should OpenLMIS be influenced by this?
CHAI-MOZ project entering phase 3, progressing nicely. Progress on cube-based reporting. Building UI (amcharts) to visualize report data. Supports useful charts, like week-by-week stock out information for facilities. Another example: tracer drugs. ~24 drugs id'd by MoH to track for availability. Shortages indicate an incident, and attention required. Monthly consumption report of drugs by each facility is a third report. Creating reports is relatively easier, but building a view by hand has been time consuming - considering ETL to help.
Pengfei showed a live demo of the reports, including the JSON data
VIMS/eLMIS: finished user training, incorporating feedback
Decision making
Questions/decisions to the tech committee can start in a Tech Committee meeting or Google Group. It should be clear that decision or action is required of the Tech committee with a date needed by (at least several days).
Normal discussion ensues. If consensus is reached, great. If consensus is split, each Member should express a preference/vote, and a simple majority decides the issue
OpenLMIS/open-lmis repo
v3 will need a repository that acts as the reference distribution, essentially a docker compose of all services, supporting containers (like DB, reverse proxy, logger) and UI. Should this be a new repository or update the existing OpenLMIS/open-lmis repo?
Elias: since there is no service or repo that is core/central to the application, a new repository makes sense.
Agreement from Jeff
Josh: what should it be named?
Chongsun: should be something descriptive, that stands out from all the others, easy to find. Should be devoid of version numbers.
Josh will propose name for the new repo. We do not need the repo immediately and can always be renamed as the project develops