25min | Process & status reporting Testing status & automating reporting for each sprint Automating regression and release candidate status for future testing and releases Should be used for patch releases also Status of regression testing Results from 3.5 Release survey Any other topics to add? @Joanna Bebak (Deactivated) @Joanna Szymańska (Deactivated) OLMIS-5770 OLMIS-5754 (sounds like odd behavior - should we have Team Parrot review this and provide a suggested solution?) OLMIS-5909: Create a workflow that explains how a supply partner’s roles and rights are assigned and what they will be able to view. This will help testing and updates to the configuration guide.
| No updates on bug resolution reports @Joanna Bebak (Deactivated) to reach out to Sebastian and team to research reports. Sam to schedule a 3.6 release planning meeting with Joanna and Wes (release coordinator) Joanna will schedule bug triage with Team Parrot developers to identify other quick wins and review bugs listed here.