Interface - Google Analytics

Interface - Google Analytics

Target release
EpicInterface - Google Analytics
Document status
eLMIS StatusImplemented
OpenLMIS StatusImplemented
OpenLMIS Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)
JSI Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed)


Integrate eLMIS with Google Analytics.

Status in eLMIS: Implemented.

Status in OpenLMIS: Implemented in the backend, but no UI yet

Priority: High priority for Tanzania, Zanzibar, Zambia


eLMIS usage needs to be tracked. Real time visibility to site usage needed. Site load capacity needs to be established through empirical data, i.e., high water mark of concurrent users, peak days of the week and peak time of the day.


A separate free account it opened with Google Analytics, application id and javascript embedding instructions obtained from google analytics console

User Stories

#TitleUser StoryLabelImportanceNotesJIRA Tickets

Site usage

As an administrator I want to be able to track eLMIS site usage through charts and graphs (this is page and report level usage - not sub-page or sub-report usage).
Google AnalyticsMust have

See Figure 1, 2 and 3

2Facility login usersAs an administrator I want to be able to which facilities have logged into the eLMIS and which forms, reports and website pages they visitedGoogle Analytics
Must have

3Realtime trouble shootingAs an administrator I want to be able to verify what time a user has logged in, which browser was used and how long the user was active at the siteGoogle Analytics
Must have


User level tracking

As an administrator I want to integrate eLMIS with Google analytics in a way so that I can track specific user's usage of the siteGoogle Analytics
Must have


Figure 1: Configuring eLMIS to link with Google Analytics

Figure 2: Sample dashboard in Google Analystics

Figure 3: Peak usage statistics



Open Questions

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:


Out of Scope

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