2018-09-24 3.5 Scope Review
2018-09-24 3.5 Scope Review
- Ashraf
- Clay Crosby (Unlicensed)
- Sam Im (Deactivated)
- Sebastian Brudziński
- Josh Zamor
- Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)
- Wesley Brown
Mind the Gap
OLMIS-3385Getting issue details...
- Supporting both Use Case 1&2 - in progress and plan to complete by end of Sprint 110
OLMIS-4842Getting issue details...
- Not started yet
- Non-Gap work:
- - OLMIS-4566Getting issue details... STATUS (Mostly done)
OLMIS-4565Getting issue details...
- Work through a few more functional tests
- Complete at least one functional test per sprint
- - OLMIS-4658Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-4834Getting issue details... STATUS
- Create superset reports for 12 high-priority elmis reports
- Building tables/graphs and other views as needed
- SSO Integration
- Devops work for reporting stack
- Nifi - autoload sensitive values
- Nifi - auto start
- Would like to have some support with the olmis UI work for embedding reports
- Engage with Nikodem for support
- Mary Jo: Individual report rights
- Clay: Not blocked but "should" be part of the release. Currently, this seems to be totally on the olmis-side.
- Josh: How does OLMIS know about which reports exist? (Great question!)
- Clay: This would be hardcoded, at least for this first version
- Shipment file (Tickets - Not yet created)
- Start scope planning asap
- This is configurable in elmis, not sure of whether that is the case in olmis
- Josh: UI doesn't currently exist, not sure if this is really required given how this does not change after the initial implementation
- Discussion on this is needed
- UI for import processors (metadata)
- Need to start planning this work
- Wrapping up Elias working on mCSD
- Mary Jo: Could also pick up quickwin tickets while scoping work is going on
Action Items
- Sam Im (Deactivated) Follow up with Nikodem to see if he has the time to help support Ona for embedding report work
- Ashraf to reach out to Wes for Shipment file planning and UI import processors
MJ Notes
Performance improvements?
- NFS product in requisitions
- Others?
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