Interface - Product list sync (standards-based approach)

Interface - Product list sync (standards-based approach)

Target release
EpicInterface - Product List sync
Document status
eLMIS StatusNot implemented
OpenLMIS StatusNot implemented
OpenLMIS Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)


There are two different approaches for Product List Sync: this standards-based approach (this wiki page) or Interface - Product list sync (direct integration approach) if there is no product registry standard. Regardless of the approach, achieving product syncing is a high priority. The choice of approach may be influenced by an external project (a potential USAID Product Registry project). That project would create a new standard so these integrations and connectors could be built in a standards-based way.

Product lists and prices in OpenLMIS are updated in line with updates to product lists and prices in the ERP, so that this does not cause problems during import of orders from OpenLMIS to ERP and facilitates other future interoperability between OpenLMIS and the ERP.

Status in eLMIS: Not in eLMIS currently.

Status in OpenLMIS: Not in OpenLMIS currently

Priority: High priority for Tanzania especially for MSD

Notes: zambia
Status in eLMIS: Not in eLMIS currently.

Status in OpenLMIS: Not in OpenLMIS currently

Priority: High priority for Zambia especially for MSL/LMU


The PMU staff act as eLMIS administrators and configure eLMIS.  Zonal level PMU staff are active in configuration of product lists and national advisors do other configuration.

Product meta-data are entered manually into eLMIS (with descriptions matching those on paper R&R forms).  Products are entered into the ERP in parallel and by other MSD staff.  This can result in mismatching, which throws up errors when requisitions are being imported from eLMIS to the ERP, which then need to be resolved manually. 

Products in both eLMIS and in the ERP are generally the generic commodity as opposed to branded trade items.  Kits are generally listed as one product as opposed to the constituent parts.  The same item under different programs (for example cotrimoxazole under ILS and under ARV&OI) is coded and treated as separate items.

Prices are normally changed once per year, at the start of the financial year (i.e., 1 July).  The system stores old prices as well as new prices and uses the appropriate prices for any particular time period. 

Imports of R&Rs/orders currently return errors when product lists do not match.  If prices do not match, this means that eLMIS does  [not] give accurate cost information to R&R submitters and approvers.

Product prices are normally changed at the start of each financial year.  New products can be created at any time.

See also sect ions of the document “System requirements specifications for eLMIS interface with mSupply” which discuss import of product lists.

Additional Notes : Zambia

MACS  is the ERP in use by Medical Stores Limited in Zambia. MACS is for internal MSL use only.  MACS covers internal management of MSL including MSL procurement, stock management and storage and distribution.  For any functionality which involves interfaces with health facilities, districts or the Ministry, MSL requires that that functionality be in eLMIS.

Product meta-data are entered manually into eLMIS (with descriptions matching those on paper R&R forms).  Products are entered into the ERP in parallel, and by other MSL staff.  This can result in mismatching, which throws up errors when requisitions are being imported from eLMIS to the ERP, which then need to be resolved manually. New products can be created at any time.


While some non-vaccine items do require cold chain conditions, they are not given any special configuration treatment.

User Stories

TitleUser StoryLabelImportanceNotesJIRA Tickets

Product list update from ERP

As an administrator I want product lists in OpenLMIS updated in line with updates to product lists in the MSD E9 ERP so that I don't have errors with other OpenLMIS-MSD E9 ERP data exchanges.   MSD Epicor 9 ERPMust have

2Product list update reviewAs an administrator I want to be able to manually review product list changes and add additional information or configurations which are not available in the MSD E9 ERP.MSD Epicor 9 ERPMust have

3Price list update from ERPAs an administrator I want prices in OpenLMIS updated in line with updates to prices lists in the MSD E9 ERP so that R&R submitters and approvers have accurate cost information.MSD Epicor 9 ERPMust have


Product list update from ERP

As an administrator I want product lists in OpenLMIS updated in line with updates to product lists in the MSL MACS ERP so that I don't have errors with other OpenLMIS-MSL MACS ERP data exchanges.   MSL MACS ERPMust have

5Product list update reviewAs an administrator I want prices in OpenLMIS updated in line with updates to prices lists in the MSL MACS ERP so that R&R submitters and approvers have accurate cost information.MSD MACS ERPMust have


Additional User Stories still needed here:

  • OpenLMIS connector to standards-based Product Registry 
  • 3 ERP Connectors from the Product Registry to ERPs for TZ and Zambia
  • 1 DHIS2 Connector from the Product Registry to DHIS2
  • 1 ILS Gateway connector from Product Registry to ILS Gateway




Open Questions

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

1Will product list updates always go through a manual validation and update process?
2Was this background detail confirmed as not a gap in OpenLMIS: "Prices are normally changed once per year, at the start of the financial year (i.e., 1 July).  The system stores old prices as well as new prices and uses the appropriate prices for any particular time period"? 

3Need for adding in "System requirements specifications for eLMIS interface with mSupply" on import of product lists.

4Is there a desire to have this done automatically?

Out of Scope

Gap Estimation Notes 4/12/2018

  • Price schedules is a different thing than the ERP price (in user story #2).
    • Different facility types get a different price.
  • History (from Josh)
    • Historically, the IT implementers who owned these systems had control over the product list.
    • There has been lots of discussion around making this a more robust model, including GS1, the BI&A Logical Reference Model (USAID),  and much more.
    • Lots of pain points updating the ERP and the keeping all product lists in sync.
    • New model draws from 2 sources: (1) GS1 -- understanding trading partners and products that are made by and defined by specific manufacturers; (2) the classification sources such as UNSPSC and GPC – who are putting out product master lists to extend some of those.
    • In the new world, there are 2 owners and none of them are the IT implementers.
  • Do ERPs have this information in them?
    • Some have a GTIN identifier they can store.
    • We don't know of any ERPs that support this – this is a problem.
    • There is also an idea to create a Product Registry in the OpenHIE group and to make a reference implementation.
  • Craig: Why isn't the one National ERP the one the has the master list, and other systems can consume this?
    • Josh: The ERP does not own the data, the supplier actually does. The identifiers come from the manufacturer (through GS1 GTINs).
  • Josh: We should assume there is master data that feeds from another system into both the ERP and OpenLMIS.
  • Elias: Some countries have already implemented a Product Registry.
  • Josh: So we should be pre-assuming the data is synced.
  • What is the work in this epic?
    • Hopefully the product registry will be funded as a separate project.
    • The work to modify OpenLMIS to subscribe to a product registry is not in this Gap project.
    • Mary Jo: I think this work does include the ability to subscribe to an external product registry. Plus we would need to estimate the connectors, so implementations can be successful until all systems match the standards.
  • Ashraf: Only about 10% of products are supplied by USAID GHSC-PSM. Locally-procured products do not have GTINs/GS1. Most products will not be GS1 compliant.
    • Josh: That is fine, and that is planned for. The Product Registry will have the ability to handle those products too.
  • What connectors do we need to estimate?
    • To the 3 ERPs and 1 connector to DHIS2.
  • Issues:
    • Hard to test ILS Gateway!
    • Or do we replace or rebuilt it with another tool!

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