Backlog Grooming Sprint 29

Backlog Grooming Sprint 29

Notes for MJ

  • ask about regression and contract testing 

Objective: New things - tying together requisitions & stock management and potentially start CCE work (pending update from Governance committee).

Please make sure all tickets in this sprint are marked FIXED VERSION: 3.1.3

Stock Management

Working towards stockmanagement-1.0.0-SNAPSHOTNOT BEING INCLUDED IN 3.1.2

We would like to move forward with more new stock management features for vaccines.

Nice to have


Working on requisition-4.0.1


Working towards 1.0.0-beta. New component to support the feature set needed for implementers to manage their Cold Chain Equipment (Catalog, inventory, update temperature, RTM, and notifications).

Functional Documentation and BackgroundA. Manage CCE Catalog, tickets in  OLMIS-2624 - Getting issue details... STATUS

These new features should be prioritized for this sprint

Reference UI


Reference Data

Working towards: 6.0.3.  

  • OLMIS-2709 - Getting issue details... STATUS  
    • (Perhaps a database issue–need to discuss how we solve it. This is a performance issue with facilities? endpoint that kills the Admin → Users → Edit screen. Added by Ben and Brandon for consideration. ALSO, after we make this fix, we need to roll a release of the RefData API and UI components so Malawi can pick up this "hot fix", not waiting for ref-distro 3.1.3. Paweł Gesek please let us know if this hot fix idea makes sense to you and the team.)
    • Q: I am not clear what are we supposed to do here, solve the performance issue or try finding the 'hanging' issue (possible that hanging is the performance issue). Facilities are used by a select dropdown - we probably will have to extend the select mechanism to support backend pagination in order to have an improvement here.
      • Title is slightly incorrect — the chrome browser used to load this ends up crashing because of performance
      • Josh said that the server does take about 40 seconds, he would like to see RAML
      • Total payload size is about 2mb (which is HUGE)
  • OLMIS-2600 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-2277 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Q: Apparently we didn't want to have this before?
    • Q (from NR): Do we want to add acceptance criteria to this that the UI should do validation before submission, or treat that separately). — Please do at the same time.
  • OLMIS-2411 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-2647 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-2238 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Q: Is sorting by the username ok here?
      • Sort by username by default
      • Make sure the page is preserved
  • OLMIS-2446 - Getting issue details... STATUS  
    • Q: is breadcrumbs out of scope? A: Yes



Nice to Have: 



  • OLMIS-2147 - Getting issue details... STATUS (Josh Zamor to move to todo after AC check?) (is this or  OLMIS-2611 - Getting issue details... STATUS a dupe of OLMIS-1689 - Getting issue details... STATUS i.e. could we dead the latter)
  • OLMIS-2627 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Paweł Gesek Please read this ticket and let us know if you think it's feasible and how you would approach it; it would likely need guidance or involvement from you)
  • OLMIS-1329 - Getting issue details... STATUS (Josh Zamor to check AC)
  • OLMIS-1509 - Getting issue details... STATUS (Josh Zamor to update AC - ODK developers would find this useful)


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