Backlog Grooming Sprint 109

Backlog Grooming Sprint 109

Dates:  -  

3.4.1 Patch Release

Team Mind the Gap will be conducting testing for the patch release during this sprint.

Team Parrot Sprint

Sprint Goal: Review manual testing for Requisition and migration testing strategy

OLMIS-4565 - Getting issue details... STATUS

 - review the manual regression tests for the requisition service (we need to create ticket)

 - work on functional tests for the requisitions service

 - strategy for migration testing (do we still need to work on that spike ticket? - check if we have enough info/data on this)

 - contract tests (if enough capacity)


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  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date

Team Parrot to use 20% of their capacity to fix the following prioritized bugs:

key summary type priority status labels

Team Parrot to use 20% of their capacity to fix the following prioritized Tech Debt tickets:

key summary type priority status labels

Team Ona Gap

Sprint Goal: 


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  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date

Team JSI Gap

Sprint Goal: Start working on the shipment file processing and scope the requirements for the interface with Resource Map



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Team Mind the Gap

Sprint Goal: mCSD support for Use Case 2, 3.4.1 Patch release, start Multiple Suppliers design work

Tickets are listed in priority from top (highest priority) to bottom (lowest priority) on this page, and in the active sprint Jira board.

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mCSD (Priority 1) OLMIS-3385 - Getting issue details... STATUS

The following tickets support Use Case 2

Patch Release (Priority 2) OLMIS-5235 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Multiple Suppliers (Priority 3 - Stretch Goal) OLMIS-4842 - Getting issue details... STATUS :

If we do not finish these design tickets during Sprint 109, it puts the completion of this feature at risk for 3.5 release. 

Reporting support:

Tech Debt tickets (20%): 

  • OLMIS-4251 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (This is a stretch goal for sprint 109) Nikodem is testing the performance of the "Add Products" modal that JSI implemented for Full Supply products.

Bugs (20%):

  • OLMIS-5456 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (must be done for 3.5 release)


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