2019-05-09 Gap Governance Meeting notes






  • Review status
  • Highlight or raise any risks
  • Review upcoming travel

Discussion items


Check-in on Budget/Spending

  • See the table below
  • Discussion:

Contracting Update

Any concerns or updates?

Double check the contract end dates.

  • Contracts end 31 May 2019
  • Invoiced amounts will decline starting in April

March & April (Sprints 121 &122)  -  Gap Project Review

Team Performance

Please note that performance does NOT include meetings, design work nor testing. Points do not reflect all the work completed but are the best measure at this time and help us understand where the effort is during the sprints.

Team Feedback:

  • Overview
    • Working on the 3.6 release and hoping to be done today or tomorrow on the final issues
  • Ona (Matt)
    • Working to get the final release complete. Cleaning up final issues.
  • JSI (Ashraf)
    • Features are complete and no Critical or Blocker bugs remain. Just a few minor bugs remain for the future.
    • Also assisted with the testing for 3.6
  • MTG
    • Assisting with testing and bug triage for country testing

The 3.6 Release

3.6 Feature List

  • Report capacity meeting
  • DHIS2 generation
  • Kits
  • Multiple Suppliers
  • Notification Improvements (SMS Notification Channel and Notification Digests)
  • Performance improvements

Do we want to have a retrospective or project review?
  • Wesley Brown to send out email encouraging team principals to join and/or move the meeting so that can happen
  • Wesley Brown to discuss the possibility of project retrospective and schedule a meeting if needed

Do people want to do this?

  • Brandon: No one is demanding this of us, this is not required. However, it still may be valuable.
  • Ashraf: Good idea but perhaps a survey may be a good option instead of a meeting. Might be able to get more candid feedback via a survey
  • Matt: Happy to participate. We have been doing retrospectives throughout the process. Might be easier to meet in person rather than writing things out in a survey
  • Brandon: Survey might get more participants simply because of timezones
  • Ashraf: Could also include some indicators that we could pass back to the donor

Gap Project Spend

We are currently doing some reallocation of funds so these numbers may shift.

Grant AmountAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuary 2019February 2019March 2019April 2019May 2019
% of total2.17%5.19%5.88%6.71%9.68%7.20%6.59%5.65%6.96%12.61%5.76%5.76%10.33%5.42%


YTD (thru March) Spend
Projected Total Spend



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