587: Password reset

587: Password reset

Test Case #:587

Test Case Name: Passwor reset

System: OpenLMIS

Subsystem: auth

Test case designed by: Paulina Borowa

Design Date:03.08.2016

Short description: As an OpenLMIS System administrator, I can reset a user's password.


Pre – conditions:




Expected system response



                 Request a token from authentication service with some rest client                       Status 200 OK           

Copy the token from response (e.g. {"access_token":"c8a0480b-ca1a-4961-9180-e5ef4a0c605a}"  )                                            


Create users

URL: http://localhost:8080/api/users?access_token=c8a0480b-ca1a-4961-9180-e5ef4a0c605a

Method: POST

Example body:








Status 201 Created




Create passwordReset

URL: http://localhost:8080/api/users/passwordReset?access_token=c8a0480b-ca1a-4961-9180-e5ef4a0c605a

Method: POST

Example body:


    "username": "UserName1",

    "newPassword": "Pass111111111"


Status 200 OK

"The password for user UserName1 has been updated."


  • Password must be between 8 to 16 characters, should not contain spaces and contain at least 1 number.
  • error message is displayed if password doesn't meet the above parameters

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software