861: PoD customer configuration

Test Case #:861


Test Case Name: PoD customer configuration

System: OpenLMIS

Subsystem: requisition

Test case designed by: Lucyna Kwidzińska

Design Date:23.08.2016

Short description: As a customer, I want to modify the out-of-box Proof of Delivery report used by a warehouse manager when creating a shipment from a fulfilled order to meet my data and branding needs.


Pre – conditions:






Expected system response



       Create all required entities - its all described in test case 637: Print Proof of Delivery (follow the steps from 1 to 17)



Add report PDF template:



Method: POST

Body (form-data):

  • file - select the proper file
  • name - type the proper name
  • description - type the description

status: 200 OK should be returned.


Print POD as PDF report.

  • URL:


  • Method: GET

File should be saved in proper location. After opening, the PDF report with filled fields should be seen.



Add the another PDF template.

Body (form-data):

  • file - select the proper file
  • name - type the proper name
  • description - type the description

The template of report has been successfully added.



Try to print the POD using previously added PDF template.

The POD is printed properly. The look of the POD below is different than POD created above.



Try to delete the template of report.

a) find the ID of proper template


a) status: 200 OK is returned. All created templates are listed.


b) status: 204 No content is returned. Template has been deleted.




Try to add empty file during adding the new template.

Body (form-data):

  • file - select the empty file with proper extension
  • name - type the proper name
  • description - type the description

Template cannot be created when file is empty.


Try to not add a file at all during adding the new template.

Body (form-data):

  • file - do not select the file (leave it empty)
  • name - type the proper name
  • description - type the description

Template cannot be created when file is not added.



Try to add bad file extension during adding the new template.

Body (form-data):

  • file - select the file with wrong extension (e.g. the image or text file)
  • name - type the proper name
  • description - type the description

Template cannot be created when file with wrong extension is attached.



Try to add the file when already exists during adding the new template.

Body (form-data):

  • file - select the proper file
  • name - type the name which is already used
  • description - type the description

Template cannot be created when already exists.



                  Try to miss the file property during adding the new template.                   

Body (form-data):

  • name - type the name
  • description - type the description

The file property is required. Template cannot be created.





Post – conditions:

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