861: PoD customer configuration
Test Case #:861
Test Case Name: PoD customer configuration | |
System: OpenLMIS | Subsystem: requisition |
Test case designed by: Lucyna Kwidzińska | Design Date:23.08.2016 |
Short description: As a customer, I want to modify the out-of-box Proof of Delivery report used by a warehouse manager when creating a shipment from a fulfilled order to meet my data and branding needs. |
Pre – conditions: |
Step | Action | Expected system response | Comment |
1 | Create all required entities - its all described in test case 637: Print Proof of Delivery (follow the steps from 1 to 17)
| ||
2 | Add report PDF template: URL: http://localhost:8080/api/templates?access_token=fb4ebbfc-2ef2-40e7-8ee9-ccdfa508487f Method: POST Body (form-data):
| status: 200 OK should be returned. | |
3 | Print POD as PDF report.
| File should be saved in proper location. After opening, the PDF report with filled fields should be seen. | |
4 | Add the another PDF template.
Body (form-data):
| The template of report has been successfully added. |
5 | Try to print the POD using previously added PDF template. | The POD is printed properly. The look of the POD below is different than POD created above. |
6 | Try to delete the template of report. a) find the ID of proper template
a) status: 200 OK is returned. All created templates are listed.
b) status: 204 No content is returned. Template has been deleted.
7 | Try to add empty file during adding the new template.
Body (form-data):
| Template cannot be created when file is empty. | |
8 | Try to not add a file at all during adding the new template.
Body (form-data):
| Template cannot be created when file is not added. | |
9 | Try to add bad file extension during adding the new template.
Body (form-data):
| Template cannot be created when file with wrong extension is attached. |
10 | Try to add the file when already exists during adding the new template.
Body (form-data):
| Template cannot be created when already exists. |
11 | Try to miss the file property during adding the new template.
Body (form-data):
| The file property is required. Template cannot be created. |
Post – conditions: |
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