1005: Authorize a requisition

1005: Authorize a requisition

Test Case #:1005

Test Case Name: Authorize a requisition

System: OpenLMIS

Subsystem: blue

Test case designed by: Paulina Borowa

Design Date:31.10.2016

Short description

As a facility manager, I want to authorize a requisition created at my facility (before sending it on for approval at a higher level) So that I can delegate responsibility for creating the requisition while still having a final review before the requisition is submitted.

The toolbar buttons now include the options "Save" ( OLMIS-1059 Done ), and "Authorize" (in that order). Pressing authorize should create a confirmation modal window that says "Are you sure you want to authorize this requisition"

Acceptance Criteria
A user with permission to authorize a requisition (but not approve a requisition) can:

  • user can view and edit the requisition
  • can view the 'authorize' button on the requisition
  • When the 'authorize' button is clicked, a modal window to confirm the action is opened
  • A success message is shown after the modal window is confirmed
  • The authorize button should be hidden and the product grid should be read-only once ticket is authorized

A user with permission to approve a requisition can:

  • View the requisition in the "approve requisition" list once the requisition has been authorized

NOTE: 3.0 Beta doesn't focus on RBAC, so testing users with specific permissions is out of scope for this ticket, and should not hold back development.


Pre – conditions:




Expected system response



 Go on host/public/#/requisition/                                                                                                                                                                              


 Check if:

  • user can view and edit the requisition




Check if:

  • user can view the 'authorize' button on the requisition



Check if:
  • When the 'authorize' button is clicked, a modal window to confirm the action is opened



Check if:

  • A success message is shown after the modal window is confirmed



Check if:

  • The authorize button should be hidden and the product grid should be read-only once ticket is authorized





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