1125: Product grid auto-calculates inventory fields

1125: Product grid auto-calculates inventory fields

Test Case #:1125

Test Case Name: Product grid auto-calculates inventory fields

System: OpenLMIS

Subsystem: blue

Test case designed by: Paulina Borowa

Design Date:03.11.2016

Short description

For 3.0 Beta, this set of fields is the only requisition template configuration that we are supporting and showcasing.

Basic inventory fields
A. Beginning Balance (user input)
B. Total Received Quantity (user input or calculated A + B (+/-) D - E) - reference the "Configuration Requisition Template" excel doc (attached in OLMIS-751 Done ) for list of attributes.
C. Total Consumed Quantity (user input)
D. Total Losses / Adjustments (user input)
E. Stock on Hand ((user input or calculated A + B (+/-) D - C) - reference the "Configuration Requisition Template" excel doc for list of attributes.

Error messages will be displayed in OLMIS-1124 Done , this ticket should add error messages in a similar style

Calculation errors include:

  • Stock in hand cannot be negative
  • Total consumed quantity cannot be negative
  • Quantity dispensed cannot be negative (I Mary Jo Kochendorfer believe this should be "consumed quantity")
  • Quantity dispensed, beginning balance, quantity received, total losses and adjustments, stock in hand are all numeric
  • Quantity dispensed must equal beginning balance + quantity received +/- total losses/adjustments - stock in hand

Acceptance Criteria

  • Calculation done properly
  • Calculation errors displayed correctly


Pre – conditions:




Expected system response



  Go on host/public/#/requisition/6167e65c-6f56-4aeb-bff5-fdfe84e01a21



Check calculation errors

  • Stock in hand cannot be negative
  • Total consumed quantity cannot be negative
  • Quantity dispensed, beginning balance, quantity received, total losses and adjustments, stock in hand are all numeric

Quantity dispensed, beginning balance, quantity received, total losses and adjustments, stock in hand are all numeric



  • calculation done properly

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