1314: Order Service: split Ordering/Fulfillment from Requisition Service
Test Case #:1314 | Test Case Name:Order Service: split Ordering/Fulfillment from Requisition Service |
System: OpenLMIS | Subsystem:blue |
Test case designed by: Paulina Borowa | Design Date:28.11.2016 |
Short description: Currently the basics of Ordering/Fulfillment are in the Requisition Service. This ticket is to break this out so that at the end, Ordering/Fulfillment is its own independent service of which the Requisition service would place an Order with. This needs acceptance criteria and does Block further development of Fulfillment tickets, so those should likely be linked here. Requisition service should use the order service, not the other way around |
Pre – conditions: |
Step | Action | Expected system response | Comment |
1 | go to http://test.openlmis.org/fulfillment/docs/#/default Check all endpoints with order |
| |
2 | get /orderFileTemplates | ||
3 | post /orderFileTemplatesBody:{ "id": "35592135-d41a-4836-bc13-f9ecba39993a", "filePrefix": "Order123123", "headerInFile": true, "orderFileColumns": [] } | ||
4 | get /orderNumberConfigurations | ||
5 | post /orderNumberConfigurations | ||
6 | get /orders | ||
7 | post /ordersbody:{ "id": "35e5059a-fd92-4078-a448-b00402b3fb5b", "externalId": "2112b9bb-c1e2-40b6-b381-28d739208662", "emergency": false, "facilityId": "44a29ccb-ed55-4c26-9eca-7e5759269b25", "processingPeriodId": "516ac930-0d28-49f5-a178-64764e22b236", "createdDate": [ 2016, 4, 30, 16, 45, 22 ], "createdById": "a337ec45-31a0-4f2b-9b2e-a105c4b669bb", "programId": "dce17f2e-af3e-40ad-8e00-3496adef44c3", "requestingFacilityId": "44a29ccb-ed55-4c26-9eca-7e5759269b25", "receivingFacilityId": "44a29ccb-ed55-4c26-9eca-7e5759269b25", "supplyingFacilityId": "e6799d64-d10d-4011-b8c2-0e4d4a3f65ce", "orderCode": "ORDER-00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000006R", "status": "RECEIVED", "quotedCost": 1000000, "orderLineItems": [] } | ||
8 | get /orders/search | ||
9 | delete /orders/{id} | "could not remove an order because it has order line items that have connection with proof of delivery line items." | |
10 | get /orders/{id} | ||
11 | put /orders/{id}Body:{ "id": "35e5059a-fd92-4078-a448-b00402b3fb5b", "externalId": "f152b9bb-c1e2-40b6-b381-28d739208662", "emergency": false, "facilityId": "44a29ccb-ed55-4c26-9eca-7e5759269b25", "processingPeriodId": "516ac930-0d28-49f5-a178-64764e22b236", "createdDate": [ 2016, 4, 30, 16, 45, 22 ], "createdById": "a337ec45-31a0-4f2b-9b2e-a105c4b669bb", "programId": "dce17f2e-af3e-40ad-8e00-3496adef44c3", "requestingFacilityId": "44a29ccb-ed55-4c26-9eca-7e5759269b25", "receivingFacilityId": "44a29ccb-ed55-4c26-9eca-7e5759269b25", "supplyingFacilityId": "e6799d64-d10d-4011-b8c2-0e4d4a3f65ce", "orderCode": "ORDER-00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000006R", "status": "RECEIVED", "quotedCost": 10, "orderLineItems": [ { "id": "9a4c65f9-f834-44bb-9e75-2c18c9a2a9cf", "order": "35e5059a-fd92-4078-a448-b00402b3fb5b", "orderableProductId": "2400e410-b8dd-4954-b1c0-80d8a8e785fc", "orderedQuantity": 530, "filledQuantity": 1300, "approvedQuantity": 20 }, { "id": "7b1b735d-c29a-4486-8352-04d3034e0d77", "order": "35e5059a-fd92-4078-a448-b00402b3fb5b", "orderableProductId": "103396e1-f5e4-4754-bb7b-1c799097dfea", "orderedQuantity": 0, "filledQuantity": 50, "approvedQuantity": 0 } ] } | ||
12 | |||
13 | put /orders/{id}/finalize | ||
14 | get /orders/{id}/print | pdf format: csv format: |
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