3 | Upgrade data for orderFileTemplate in URL: In URL: ?access_token=ecffff4a-fd53-4da5-a748-803247f057c4 Method: POST example body: { "id": "457ed5b0-80d7-4cb6-af54-e3f6138c8128", "filePrefix": "O", "headerInFile": true, "orderFileColumns": [ { "id": "33b2d2e9-3167-46b0-95d4-1295be9afc21", "openLmisField": true, "dataFieldLabel": "fulfillment.header.order.number", "columnLabel": "Order number123", "include": true, "position": 1, "format": "MM/yy", "nested": "order", "keyPath": "orderCode", "related": null, "relatedKeyPath": null, "orderFileTemplate": "457ed5b0-80d7-4cb6-af54-e3f6138c8128" }, { "id": "6b8d331b-a0dd-4a1f-aafb-40e6a72ab9f6", "openLmisField": true, "dataFieldLabel": "fulfillment.header.facility.code", "columnLabel": "Facility code123", "include": true, "position": 1, "format": "MM/yy", "nested": "order", "keyPath": "requisition/facilityId", "related": "Facility", "relatedKeyPath": "code", "orderFileTemplate": "457ed5b0-80d7-4cb6-af54-e3f6138c8128" }, { "id": "752cda76-0db5-4b6e-bb79-0f531ab78e2e", "openLmisField": true, "dataFieldLabel": "fulfillment.header.product.code", "columnLabel": "Product code123", "include": true, "position": 1, "format": "MM/yy", "nested": "lineItem", "keyPath": "orderableProductId", "related": "OrderableProduct", "relatedKeyPath": "productCode", "orderFileTemplate": "457ed5b0-80d7-4cb6-af54-e3f6138c8128" }, { "id": "9e825396-269d-4873-baa4-89054e2722f5", "openLmisField": true, "dataFieldLabel": "fulfillment.header.product.name", "columnLabel": "Product name123", "include": true, "position": 1, "format": "MM/yy", "nested": "lineItem", "keyPath": "orderableProductId", "related": "OrderableProduct", "relatedKeyPath": "name", "orderFileTemplate": "457ed5b0-80d7-4cb6-af54-e3f6138c8128" }, { "id": "cd57f329-f549-4717-882e-ecbf98122c39", "openLmisField": true, "dataFieldLabel": "fulfillment.header.approved.quantity", "columnLabel": "Approved quantity123", "include": true, "position": 1, "format": "MM/yy", "nested": "lineItem", "keyPath": "approvedQuantity", "related": null, "relatedKeyPath": null, "orderFileTemplate": "457ed5b0-80d7-4cb6-af54-e3f6138c8128" }, { "id": "d0e1aec7-1556-4dc1-8e21-d80a2d76b678", "openLmisField": true, "dataFieldLabel": "fulfillment.header.period", "columnLabel": "Period123", "include": true, "position": 1, "format": "MM/yy", "nested": "order", "keyPath": "requisition/processingPeriodId", "related": "ProcessingPeriod", "relatedKeyPath": "startDate", "orderFileTemplate": "457ed5b0-80d7-4cb6-af54-e3f6138c8128" }, { "id": "dab6eec0-4cb4-4d4c-94b7-820308da73ff", "openLmisField": true, "dataFieldLabel": "fulfillment.header.order.date", "columnLabel": "Order date123", "include": true, "position": 1, "format": "dd/MM/yy", "nested": "order", "keyPath": "createdDate", "related": null, "relatedKeyPath": null, "orderFileTemplate": "457ed5b0-80d7-4cb6-af54-e3f6138c8128" } ] } | Status 200 OK
| Check acceptance criteria: * all column headers can be defined (renamed) by the implementor * Facility code column populates the facility code from the requisition information * Product Code column populates the product name from requisition information/reference data * Product Name column populates the product name from requisition information/reference data * Approved quantity column populates based on the approved quanitity column in the requisition * Period information populates based on the requisition * Period format is defined by the implementor, choices include * Order date populates based on the date converted * Order date format is defined by the implementor, choices include, same as period format * Implementor can define the Order file prefix |