846: Generate static (offline) documentation for services' APIs
Test Case #:846
Test Case Name: Generate static (offline) documentation for services' APIs | |
System: OpenLMIS | Subsystem: exapmle, requisition, auth |
Test case designed by: Lucyna Kwidzińska | Design Date:03.08.2016 |
Short description: We are starting to define and document all APIs in RAML format. While we may utilize Swagger to generate a live interface to browse/execute the APIs, an offline version is needed for general publishing. Using a service's RAML, generate offline doc and publish as part of the build artifacts. Acceptance
Pre – conditions: |
Step | Action | Expected system response | Comment |
1 | Launch gradle clean command into command-line (for every service: example, requisition and auth).
| Build successful status should be returned. | |
2 | Launch gradle build command into command-line (for every service: example, requisition and auth). | Build successful status should be returned. |
3 | Verify if the api-definition.html file is accessible on openlmis-example/build/resources/main. |
4 | Verify if the api-definition.html file is accessible on openlmis-requisition/build/resources/main. |
5 | Verify if the api-definition.html file is accessible on openlmis-auth/build/resources/main. | ||
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Post – conditions: |
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