OLMIS-755 : Define periods within a schedule.
Test Case #:755 | Test Case Name: Define periods within a schedule. |
System: OpenLMIS | Subsystem:Requisition |
Test case designed by: Piotr Żurawski | Design Date:25.07.2016 |
Short description: Check possibility to Define periods within a schedule |
Pre – conditions: |
Create schedule: URL: http://localhost:8080/api/schedules Method: POST Body:{"code":"schedule_Code","name":"schedule_Name"}
Step | Action | Expected system response | Comment |
1 | Create Period: URL: http://localhost:8080/api/periods Method: POST Body: { "processingSchedule": { "id":"Here should be paste href created in schedules", "code" : "codecodee", "description" : "description", "modifiedDate" : "2016-07-11T11:24:38.515", "name" : "scheduleNamee" }, "name" : "periodName", "description" : "periodDescription", "startDate" : "2016-07-11", "endDate" : "2016-07-12" } | { "id": "3da23278-d288-4686-95b1-0aa1d1ed6d38", "processingSchedule": { "id": "98b08104-3d1e-43f1-9872-ae23f91a3010", "code": "schedule_Code", "description": null, "modifiedDate": "2016-07-25T08:17:50.077", "name": "schedule_Name" }, "name": "periodName", "description": "periodDescription", "startDate": "2016-07-11", "endDate": "2016-07-12" } | |
2 | Try to create Period using start date as end date used in first step + 2 days: URL: http://localhost:8080/api/periods Method: POST Body: { "processingSchedule": { "id":"98b08104-3d1e-43f1-9872-ae23f91a3010", "code": "schedule_Code", "description": null, "modifiedDate": "2016-07-25T08:17:50.077", "name": "schedule_Name" }, "name" : "periodName", "description" : "periodDescription", "startDate" : "2016-07-14", "endDate" : "2016-07-15" } | { "startDate": "Start date should be one day after last added end date" } |
3 | Try to create Period using start date as end date used in first step + 1 day: URL: http://localhost:8080/api/periods Method: POST Body: { "processingSchedule": { "id":"98b08104-3d1e-43f1-9872-ae23f91a3010", "code": "schedule_Code", "description": null, "modifiedDate": "2016-07-25T08:17:50.077", "name": "schedule_Name" }, "name" : "periodName", "description" : "periodDescription", "startDate" : "2016-07-13", "endDate" : "2016-07-14" } | { "id": "7173b3f0-cc3b-4d3b-bb56-b3525102b037", "processingSchedule": { "id": "98b08104-3d1e-43f1-9872-ae23f91a3010", "code": "schedule_Code", "description": null, "modifiedDate": "2016-07-25T08:17:50.077", "name": "schedule_Name" }, "name": "periodName", "description": "periodDescription", "startDate": "2016-07-13", "endDate": "2016-07-14" } | |
4 | Check if the system calculates and displays the total days and months: URL: http://localhost:8080/api/periods/{here_period_UUID_created_before}/difference Method: GET E.g. : http://localhost:8080/api/periods/7173b3f0-cc3b-4d3b-bb56-b3525102b037/difference | "Period lasts 0 months and 2 days" |
Post – conditions: |
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