1344: Notification styles
Test Case #:1344 | Test Case Name:Notification styles |
System: OpenLMIS | Subsystem: blue |
Test case designed by: Paulina Borowa | Design Date:25.11.2016 |
Short description: From the 11/04 Meeting, it was decided that creating blocking modal driven error messages for success or minor error messages (as currently implemented in v3) leads to a burdensome user experience. Alternatively, we want to combine styles used in v2 and v3 to change notifications to be a pop-up alert that is located at the bottom of the screen. These pop-ups will automatically hide after 5 seconds (which should be a build time configurable number), or will hide when clicked. If the user's mouse is over the pop-up then it should persist until the user's mouse leaves the area (disappearing immedately if the timelimit has passed). The same logic for notification display that currently exists in v3 should be followed. |
Pre – conditions: |
Step | Action | Expected system response | Comment |
1 | Go on http://test.openlmis.org/public | ||
2 | Check the appearance of success notification | it should looks like that: | Check: These pop-ups will automatically hide after 5 seconds (which should be a build time configurable number), or will hide when clicked. If the user's mouse is over the pop-up then it should persist until the user's mouse leaves the area (disappearing immedately if the timelimit has passed). |
3 | Check the appearance of error notification | it should looks like that: | Check: These pop-ups will automatically hide after 5 seconds (which should be a build time configurable number), or will hide when clicked. If the user's mouse is over the pop-up then it should persist until the user's mouse leaves the area (disappearing immedately if the timelimit has passed). |
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