1074: Saving with attached rights does not actually save
Test Case #:1074 | Test Case Name:Saving with attached rights does not actually save |
System: OpenLMIS | Subsystem: blue |
Test case designed by: Paulina Borowa | Design Date:16.11.2016 |
Short description: When trying to save a right with attached rights, it does not actually attach the rights to each other. Need to fix this in order to support attached rights. This is for the API endpoint PUT /rights and the "attachments" parameter. Acceptance Criteria
Pre – conditions: |
demo-data |
Step | Action | Expected system response | Comment |
1 | Create new rights:
In URL: Method PUT Body: { "name": "test", "type": "SUPERVISION", "attachments": [ { "id": "e101d2b8-6a0f-4af6-a5de-a9576b4ebc50", "name": "REQUISITION_VIEW", "type": "SUPERVISION", "attachments": [] } ] }
{ "name": "test", "type": "SUPERVISION", "attachments": [] }
| with one or multiple attached rights: with zero attached rights: | |
2 | Check if previously created rights was correctly saved In URL: Method GET also In URL: Method GET |
| |
3 | Delete previously created rights In URL: Method DELETE |
| |
4 | Check if rights with ID: 1e723346-8a8b-4f0f-bcf0-8ecb48244308 was removed In URL: Method GET also In URL: Method GET |
| |
5 | Create rights with multiple attached rights In URL: Method PUT Body: { "name": "TEST_RIGHTS", "type": "SUPERVISION", "attachments": [ { "id": "e101d2b8-6a0f-4af6-a5de-a9576b4ebc50", "name": "REQUISITION_VIEW", "type": "SUPERVISION", "attachments": [] }, { "id": "9ade922b-3523-4582-bef4-a47701f7df14", "name": "REQUISITION_CREATE", "type": "SUPERVISION", "attachments": [] }, { "id": "c3eb5df0-c3ac-4e70-a978-02827462f60e", "name": "REQUISITION_DELETE", "type": "SUPERVISION", "attachments": [] }, { "id": "bffa2de2-dc2a-47dd-b126-6501748ac3fc", "name": "REQUISITION_APPROVE", "type": "SUPERVISION", "attachments": [] } ] } |
| |
6 | Check if previously created rights was correctly saved In URL: Method GET also In URL: Method GET | ||
7 | Delete previously created rights In URL: Method DELETE | ||
8 | Check if rights with ID:ae0151b1-9161-49bb-a781-912e02e30ab2 was removed In URL: | ||
9 | Update a right Method PUT Body: { "id": "feb4c0b8-f6d2-4289-b29d-811c1d0b2863", "name": "REQUISITION_AUTHORIZE", "type": "SUPERVISION", "attachments": [] } | Before update: After uptade: | |
Check: attached rights must of the same right type as the one being attached to
Method PUT Body { "id": "fb6a0053-6254-4b41-8028-bf91421f90dd", "name": "MANAGE_PRODUCT", "type": "GENERAL_ADMIN", "attachments": [ { "id": "9ade922b-3523-4582-bef4-a47701f7df14", "name": "REQUISITION_CREATE", "type": "SUPERVISION", "attachments": [] }, { "id": "5c4b3b9b-713e-4b9a-8c58-7efcd2954512", "name": "MANAGE_SUPERVISORY_NODE", "type": "GENERAL_ADMIN", "attachments": [] }] } | It takes only rights with same right type as the one being attached to: for sure check by GET |
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