1122- No state loss when re-authenticating

1122- No state loss when re-authenticating

Test Case #:1122

Test Case Name:No state loss when re-authenticating

System: OpenLMIS

Subsystem: blue

Test case designed by: Paulina Borowa

Design Date:08.12.2016

Short description

Currently, when a user's authentication token expires they loose the state of the application because they are internally re-directed and have their cookies destroyed.

To prevent this, the OpenLMIS-UI application should catch all 401 errors that are returned from the OpenLMIS Server. When this happens, OpenLMIS-UI will open the login screen as a modal window — allowing the user to re-authenticate.

When a user successfully re-authenticates, the HTTP calls that received a 401 error should be retried.

Angular-http-auth(https://github.com/witoldsz/angular-http-auth) is a library that can implement catching 401 errors and buffering/retrying the failed requests.

The login modal will need to be moved into a bootbox modal.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Can open deep linked page
    (a) Login to OpenLMIS
    (b) Navigate to a specific requisition
    (c) Copy and paste the URL into another browser
    (d) Authenticate in new browser
    (e) View same requisition in another browser
  • Can reauthenticate user to complete a request
    (a) Login to OpenLMIS
    (b) Open a requisition that is 'submitted'
    (c) Invalidate the user's token (see below)
    (d) Attempt to authorize the requisition
    (e) View login modal, and login (again)
    (f) When requests complete, user should see requisition page, with the requisition's state set to 'Authorized'

How to invalidate the user's token

  • Reset and restart OpenLMIS-Blue server
  • Delete 'access_token' from the browser's local storage cache


Pre – conditions:




Expected system response



 Login to OpenLMIS 




Navigate to a specific requisition

eg http://test.openlmis.org/public/#/requisition/6167e65c-6f56-4aeb-bff5-fdfe84e01a21/fullSupply



Copy and paste the URL into another browser


Authenticate in new browser = View same requisition in another browser


Firefox after login same view as in chrome:


Login to OpenLMIS


Open a requisition that is eg 'initiated'

7Invalidate the user's token
  • Reset and restart OpenLMIS-Blue server
  • Delete 'access_token' from the browser's local storage cache
8Attempt to submit the requisition

9View login modal, and login (again)

10When requests complete, user should see requisition page, with the requisition's state set to 'Authorized'appears success notification

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