1369: Proof of concept: Basic FTP hard-coded workflow

1369: Proof of concept: Basic FTP hard-coded workflow

Test Case #:1369

Test Case Name: Proof of concept: Basic FTP hard-coded workflow

System: openLMIS

Subsystem: blue

Test case designed by: Lucyna Laska

Design Date:06.12.2016

Short description

  • Bring up an FTP server that the OpenLMIS test server (test.openlmis.org) can use, i.e. not an FTP server on a local dev machine
  • The hard-coded FTP settings are documented somewhere, so that the code can be verified with it.
  • When an order is generated for external fill by the Fulfillment Service, a CSV with the order details is found where the FTP hard-coded settings specified.
  • This CSV matches the order file and order number configurations specified by the system.
  • If the CSV file cannot be uploaded for a reason other than bad FTP settings (will assume the hard-coded FTP settings are valid), determine how to handle the errors, and document it somewhere
  • Document the choice of the FTP client library somewhere in the Fulfillment Service documentation


Pre – conditions:




Expected system response



                                               Insert proper user credentials to .env file.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Run blue service.


Log in into UI (locally) and display all requisition ready for conversion to an order.


 Convert all requisition to orders.



Log in to FTP serwer 



Check if all CSV files are generated.



 Return into UI and select Requisitinos → Approve. Then approve some random requisition.



Display all requisitions ready for conversion to an order.



 Convert requisition to order.


    Log in to FTP server again.

10Check if the new CSV file appears.

Post – conditions:

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