1299: Apply styling and code fixes to the adjustment modal

Test Case #:1299

Test Case Name: Apply styling and code fixes to the adjustment modal

System: OpenLmis

Subsystem: blue

Test case designed by: Paulina Borowa

Design Date:09.12.2016

Short description

Clear scope after add
After adding an adjustment, the scope for the inline form should be cleared (so you can't continually add the same thing)

Close button on bottom left
Make this button gray.

Add close to title bar
Should have close functionality that is standard in bootbox

Adjustment line item remove button should be red
Uhhh... make the remove button red — this should be done by making a remove-button css class and applying it...

to the adjustment UI code. The window needs styling and the code some improving.

Acceptance Criteria

  • When entering in a loss/gain in the modal, after clicking 'add' the dropdown and amount are reset
  • The close button is gray and on left side
  • There is a close in the top right corner of the modal window
  • For each loss/gain entered the remove button is red


Pre – conditions:




Expected system response




  • When entering in a loss/gain in the modal, after clicking 'add' the dropdown and amount are reset


After clicking 'add':



  • The close button is gray and on left side 
  • There is a close in the top right corner of the modal window
  • For each loss/gain entered the remove button is red



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