1058: Delete a requistion
Test Case #:1058
Test Case Name: Delete a requistion | |
System: openLMIS | Subsystem: blue |
Test case designed by: Lucyna Laska | Design Date:31.10.2016 |
Short description: A user with authorization can view a delete button on the requisition page and delete that requisition. After deletion they are redirected to the 'initialize requisition' page. Acceptance Criteria
Pre – conditions: |
Step | Action | Expected system response | Comment |
1 | View the list of requisitions. |
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2 | Open the first requisition on the list and verify if delete button displayed on requisition screen |
3 | After Clicking the delete button, confirm action modal window should be visible. |
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4 | After confirming modal window, the proper message: "R&R deleted successfully" is displayed. | ||
5 | Then user is redirected to initialize requisition page |
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6 | The requisition is deleted -> is no longer available on requisitions list. |
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7 | It's not possible to delete another requisition (with different status than INITIATED). After opening the details of requisition from Approved requisitions list, the DELETE button is not displayed. |
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Post – conditions: |
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