1058: Delete a requistion

Test Case #:1058

Test Case Name: Delete a requistion

System: openLMIS

Subsystem: blue

Test case designed by: Lucyna Laska

Design Date:31.10.2016

Short description

A user with authorization can view a delete button on the requisition page and delete that requisition. After deletion they are redirected to the 'initialize requisition' page.

Acceptance Criteria

  • A user without authorization to delete a requisition is prohibited and gets an appropriate error message
  • Delete button displayed on requisition screen
  • Clicking the delete button launches a confirm action modal window
  • After clicking confirming modal window, then user is redirected to initialize requisition page
  • The requisition is deleted from OpenLMIS after confirming modal window


Pre – conditions:




Expected system response



                            View the list of requisitions.                         




Open the first requisition on the list and verify if delete button displayed on requisition screen 




After Clicking the delete button, confirm action modal window should be visible. 


4After confirming modal window, the proper message: "R&R deleted successfully" is displayed.


Then user is redirected to initialize requisition page  



The requisition is deleted -> is no longer available on requisitions list.




 It's not possible to delete another requisition (with different status than INITIATED). After opening the details of requisition from Approved requisitions list, the DELETE button is not displayed. 





Post – conditions:

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