871: Create a notification service

871: Create a notification service

Test Case #:284


Test Case Name: Create a notification service

System: openLMIS

Subsystem: notification

Test case designed by: Lucyna Kwidzinska

Design Date:10.08.2016

Short description

This should be a separate notification service that can allow sending email using a 3rd party provider.

Acceptance criteria:

  • I can configure a connection to an SMTP provider in the config
  • the service is able to send emails
  • the service accepts html as email format


Pre – conditions:






Expected system response



Clone the openlmis-notification service.The service should be cloned successfully. 


Modify the mailbox credentials in src/main/resources/application.properties

for some mail account with proper data e.q. gmail:



Save changes and run the openlmis-notification service.





- gradle clean

-gradle build

-gradle bootrun

commands in command-line




Using REST client (e.q. postman), request a token from authentication service with some rest client 

   Status: 200 OK is returned. The token should be generated properly.                                                                                         

 Copy the token from response (e.g. {"access_token":"121d02edb6b4-4233-9566-cac2b8a3aec9"...)                              


Using some REST client, verify if the request to notification endpoint will return the proper status.


"from": "lkwidzinska.soldevelo@gmail.com",

"to": "lkwidzinska@soldevelo.com",

"subject": "Test",

"content": "abc"


Status: 200 OK is returned. Service is able to send emails.

The mail should be sent successfully to soldevelo mail account.

 Screen below shows, that the owner of soldevelo account received previously sent email.




Post – conditions:

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