925: User authenticates using Auth Service (OAuth) in Requisition-UI
925: User authenticates using Auth Service (OAuth) in Requisition-UI
Test Case #:925
Test Case Name: User authenticates using Auth Service (OAuth) in Requisition-UI | |
System: | Subsystem: requisition-refUI |
Test case designed by: Lucyna Kwidzińska | Design Date:07.09.2016 |
Short description: |
Pre – conditions: |
Step | Action | Expected system response | Comment |
1 | Clone the requisition-refUI project. | The project should be cloned. | |
2 | Run the docker. > sudo service docker start | The docker should be running. | |
3 | Type the command into command-line: > docker-compose run --service-ports requisition-refui | The docker-compose should be running. | |
4 | Type the command into command-line: $ grunt build | ||
5 | Type the command into command-line: $ exit | ||
6 | Type the another command into command-line: > docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up | The docker-compose should be running. | |
7 | Verify if http://localhost is available (the login form should be seen). | Localhost should be available. | |
8 | Try to login using following credentials:
| Login should be finished successful. | |
9 | Logout from the UI (after that, the login page should be visible). | Logout should be finished successful. | |
1 | Verify if http://localhost/public/pages/index.html contain the login form on the homepage. | The login form should be seen. | |
11 | Verify if the logging is possible with wrong credentials (the proper warning should be displayed). | Logging with wrong credentials should not be possible. |
Post – conditions: |
, multiple selections available,
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