589: Session expiration
589: Session expiration
Test Case #:589 | Test Case Name:Session expiration |
System: OpenLMIS | Subsystem: auth |
Test case designed by: Paulina Borowa | Design Date:18.08.2016 |
Short description: A user's authentication with OpenLMIS should expire after a period of inactivity. Acceptance:
Pre – conditions: |
Step | Action | Expected system response | Comment |
1 | Generate access token | access_token=1dffba06-76bd-444f-ba63-bccfb81e600a | |
2 | Create user Method: Post Example Body: {"referenceDataUserId":"35316636-6264-6331-2d34-3933322d3462", "username":"Name", "password":"123qwe", "email":"soldev@op.pl", "role":"USER" } | Status 201 Created
3 | Wait 30 minutes
| |
4 | Create user Method: Post Example Body: {"referenceDataUserId":"35316636-6264-6331-2d34-3933322d3462", "username":"Name2", "password":"123qwe1", "email":"soldev@op.pl", "role":"USER" } | Status 401 Unauthorized | same access token as before |
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