1140: Create regular requisition for period from Initialize Requisition screen

Test Case #:284

Test Case Name: Create regular requisition for period from Initialize Requisition screen

System: openLMIS

Subsystem: blue

Test case designed by: Lucyna Laska

Design Date:31.10.2016

Short description: The initiate/authorize requisition view should allow users to initiate a requisition for the oldest period from the retrieved schedule. After selecting the program and the facility, the periods should be retrieved from the schedule assigned to that combination. The period table for regular requisitions displays all the entries for periods that do not have any requisition started yet and for periods with requisitions in initiated and submitted state. In case there's a requisition pending, it is not possible to initiate a new one (only one proceed button at all times, unless there are no periods defined). Clicking proceed on the period that does not have a requisition started initiates the requisition (status = INITIATED) and shows user the created requisition view.


Pre – conditions:




Expected system response



               Log in with proper credentials                                                                                                        


2Select Requisitions → Create/Authorize


Select a Program and a Facility-> table should display the periods  



The table displays only periods that do not have a requisition started yet and periods that have an INITIATED or SUBMITTED requisition associated 




If a requisition has not been started yet for the given period, the status says "Not yet started" or similar, indicating that the requisition does not exist yet 




The periods are sorted ascending by date (oldest date at the top) 




Click the proceed button → it should redirects a user to the requisition view page.






Post – conditions:

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